Getting enough fiber in your diet is extremely important for your overall health. When it comes to the recommended dose of fiber, you want to be eating about 30 grams per day. A lack of fiber can cause constipation as well as poor gut health. Fiber helps keep us full throughout the day and also aids brain and body function. When you have a diet that is high in fiber you reduce your risk of diverticulitis as well as irritable bowel syndrome, heart disease and diabetes.
Key Takeaways:
- Dietary fiber isn’t exactly the most exciting term in the wellness world. Unlike trendy buzzwords like keto and paleo, it can conjure up images of tasteless grains.
- Dietary fibres are found in the indigestible parts of plants, such as the leaves, stems and roots.
- Experts say fibre is responsible for keeping us full throughout the day, keeping our digestion regular, and even protecting us from some major health issues down the line.
“A recent study published in The Lancet study found people who routinely eat lots of fibre have significantly lower rates of diseases like heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, compared with those who consume much lower amounts. Yet, the British Nutrition Foundation says that in the UK, most people still don’t fall within the government guidelines for daily fibre intake.”
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