Honey is nature’s wonder. There is the pasteurized honey commonly known as commercial honey and raw honey. Processed honey is actually a pasteurized version. Though you won’t see the word ‘pasteurized’ anywhere on the container, isn’t it obvious that commercial products are all processed? Instead the word you see in description is ‘Pure’. But the reality is very far from it, as there are no set of manufacturing standards that define ‘pure’ on a label. And such commercially manufactured honey may actually contain fillers such as corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, etc.
It is manufactured and processed to remove all the bits and pieces like pollen, propolis, comb, etc. that come along with honey during collection. Honey is heated to get a cleaner final product and filtered for a smooth texture. It is manufactured in such a way that it doesn’t crystallize unless allowed to freeze in a refrigerator. It is heated to high temperature to achieve this and in the process kills all the bacterial enzymes thus making raw honey the best honey to use.
Raw honey is pure, natural, and healthy, just the way God made it. With all the health benefits it offers, it’s amazing more people aren’t more aware of this “normal” health food. What makes raw honey so special? The difference is that it has not been heated excessively through pasteurization. Subsequently, it retains all of the beneficial nutrients that processed honey fails to extend. The enzymes it contains are what makes it easily digestible by humans.
Raw honey is often filtered, but to a very minimal extent, it can be characterized by fine textured crystals, and it contains particles from bee pollen, propolis, and honeycomb. Also, you will notice that it remains more solid at room temperature. This consistency provides assurance that it still contains the natural vitamins, minerals, and enzymes it originally started with.
First of all, honey offers a natural source of usable energy. White sugar is so processed that the body has a hard time understanding what to use it for. But honey is naturally in form that the body can accept. So when you consume honey, you get plenty of energy without the negative side-effects that white sugar carries with it.
Benefits of Honey
Honey also helps to improve digestion. It does this by enabling the stomach to produce healthy bacteria, which in turn digests food. If your goal is to improve digestion, try using honey instead of white sugar in your recipes, or mix a teaspoon of honey with some water, and drink it before or during a meal.
Try gargling honey-water if your throat is sore. And if you’re dealing with a cold, mix a spoon of honey and a squeeze of lemon juice with some water. This combination can help to not only relieve soreness, but may also eliminate the harmful bacteria that caused the cold or the sore throat.
Ultimately, honey is healthy whether it is raw or pasteurized, but if you are taking honey to obtain its health benefits, you are better off choosing raw honey. Plus, most people find that they appreciate the taste of raw honey better than pasteurized.
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