Many people are worried about radiation that comes from a cell phone. We all know about the potential health effects that come from using a cell phone too much such as a sore neck. What we do know is that cell phone radiation isn’t the same as nuclear radiation and it doesn’t damage our DNA directly. However, it is possible that the cell phones can damage our DNA indirectly because the radiation from cell phones helps to generate free radicals which are basically toxins that can get into our body.
Key Takeaways:
- Using a speakerphone or a hands-free headset is sometimes recommended as a way to reduce radiation exposure.
- Cell phone radiation appears to damage DNA indirectly through the generation of free radicals.
- Like other trillion dollar industries, the telecom industry funds studies that favor its interests.
“Since the turn of the century, there have been studies suggesting up to double the risk of brain tumors with long-term cell phone use on the side of your head you use to talk.” To protect against free radical damage, one should consume antioxidants which will neutralize the free radical and help protect the body against the damaging effects of free radicals.
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