Fear of public speaking is one of the most common phobias known to man, and ranges from being on stage in front of an audience to simply having a conversation with family or friends. Most people deal with this phobia in one of two ways: avoiding it completely or doing it anyway but being utterly miserable while doing so. Cannabidiol (CBD) offers an alternative. It’s a naturally-occurring anxiolytic, and was shown in a 2011 study, published in Neuropsychopharmacology, to significantly reduce anxiety in those with fears around speaking in public.
Key Takeaways:
- This cannaboid can help with anxiety and doesn’t come with hallucination effects of THC
- SAD, a common anxiety involves social anxiety and this will help people open up.
- The drug lowers resistances to anxious responses and helps in those social settimgs
“Public speaking anxiety is a form of performance anxiety that can paralyse the rational mind.”
Read more: http://www.cannatech.news/2017/10/03/cbd-reduces-public-speaking-anxiety/
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