There is a lot of false information out there that ends up not being very helpful for our health. A lot of it revolves around food and our choices of things to eat. One that has been particularly problematic for many people is the idea that a calorie is a calorie, and as long as you stay within your daily calorie allotment, you will be fine. But this is in fact one of the worst food myths and lies that has been out there and around for a long time. In no way is a calorie a calorie. The way your body treats and allocates calories from protein is completely different than how it allocates calories from white sugar. Protein calories go to building muscle and is the fuel your body needs for such activities. However, when you consume white sugar that goes to spiking your insulin which is never good. And when you have an excess of such calories it will go to producing fat. So you need to get rid of this myth and learn the proper and healthy way of balanced eating.
Read the full article here: Top 10 food lies