Recent studies have shown that regularly drinking milk does not actually improve bone health, and might in fact be harmful. For this and other reasons including lactose intolerance, concern for food safety, and the growing popularity of vegetarian and vegan diets, many people are choosing to forego dairy in favor of alternatives.
Milk can be replaced with non-dairy milks such as almond milk or coconut milk. These substitutes may be fortified or enhanced with vitamins and minerals. They can also cultured to create gut-healthy yogurt substitutes.
Soy and nut products can be used to create non-dairy cheeses or butter. Creams, sour cream, and even ice creams can also be crafted from these dairy alternatives.
Key Takeaways:
- Studies show that including dairy in your diet does not protect you from bone fractures.
- Many people cannot tolerate dairy due to a lactose intolerance or allergy.
- Non-dairy substitutes exist for all dairy products, not just milk.
“Yogurt is packed with gut-friendly bacteria that help promote good health.”
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