If you could stop disease before it had a major outbreak, would you? That is what Epigenetics allows society to do. It allows us to see what DNA is susceptible to what diseases and how to change the DNA so that it is stronger, healthier, and more vibrant. So that it doesn’t have to battle these deadly diseases in order to live through them instead the body will be automatically immune to these diseases without needing vaccines.
Key Takeaways:
- Every single person that is not an identical twin has a unique DNA coding, that exists throughout the cells of the body.
- Although DNA is identical, throughout the body, it performs different functions, as in a brain cell does different things than does a skin cell.
- The epigenome, which can be likened to a layer of information atop the DNA, acts as a sort of conductor, alerting the cell as to which genes to express.
“Things like how much physical activity we engage in, what and how much we eat, our stress levels, whether we smoke or drink heavily and more can all make changes to our epigenome by affecting how methyl groups attach to the cells.”
Read more: https://draxe.com/epigenetics/