Acai berry is a fruit that is delicious and native to south and Central America. For a hundred of years, the fruit has been used traditionally as a staple food in these countries. In Brazil for example, acai berry consist of 42% of their diet. The Brazilians has also recognized the healing properties of this fruit. This is why they use it an antibacterial salve.
Brnrfits of acai berry
It is only recently that the modern world has come to know the real healing properties of an acai berry fruit. Acai berry has been attributed lately to assist in clearing of skin blemishes, restoring energy in the body, relief digestion disorders, relax the body, improve health of the heart and also sexual performances. In shops, acai berry comes in many forms. These range from acai pills, juices, powders or just in raw forms.
aAll these acai berry benefits are attributed to the nutrients in it. Acai berry is full of anthocyanin pigments that come from its deep rich purple color. These anthocyanin pigments are good antidioxidants that act as protectors from free radicals in the body. These free radicals will otherwise destroy your body. Some of the health risks posed by these free radicals are: diabetes, cancer, physical defects of premature aging and Alzheimer’s disease.
The omega fatty acids in acai berry are known to prevent heart diseases and lower cholesterol levels. The fruit can also ease digestion due to its high fiber content. It also has phytosterols that strengthens the immune system. Acai berries are also rich in vitamins B6, E, A as well as calcium.
In addition to all these benefits brought by acai fruit nutrients, it is also interestingly easy to see how acai berries can help in weight loss. The essential fatty acids and fiber in acai berries can help boost your metabolism, efficiently burn fat and even reduce cravings.
Acai berry is the one among the few fruits that is rich in monounsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats are healthy fats that are essentially useful in keeping you satisfied for a long time without consuming extra food. They also contain detoxifying properties that cleanses toxins in your system that might hinder you from losing weight.
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