Green apples are rich in fruit fiber called pectin.
Our ancestors believed that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” because of its well-known health benefits. Nowadays, scientists have proven time and again this old adage through clinical trials and long-term field research. Apparently, one of the major benefits of consuming apple fiber is to promote regular functions in the digestive system.
More specifically, it helps in improving your gastrointestinal health, reduces bad cholesterol levels and the risk of major heart diseases, improves the strength of the lymphatic and immune systems, and helps eliminate toxins. By enhancing digestion, nutrient absorption is increased and waste elimination is regulated as well.
Our bodies are totally dependent upon our intake of both soluble and insoluble fiber from plant sources. Our regular diet based on processed foods and meat is very low in fiber. The health of our digestive system is in danger without adequate fiber. Nutrients are poorly absorbed and toxins start to accumulate. In time, every cell, system and organ becomes clogged and dysfunctional. By consuming apple fiber we can reverse this downward spiral and restore healthy function of our cells and organs.
Apple fiber is mineral-rich and has gel-like and sponge-like qualities that makes it capable of surviving through the neutralizing effects of enzymes and acids in the digestive system, and still work its magic in the lower intestinal tract. To take advantage of all this health benefits of apple fiber, researchers extract the apple fiber in laboratories with minimal processing so as not to alter its natural qualities. The natural supplement produced contains high concentrations of apple fiber that provide an equivalent daily intake of eating around 11 apples.
When taking the apple fiber supplement, it is important to drink enough water and other liquids because the fiber will start harvesting as much moisture as possible to activate its amazing benefits. You must replace the lost fluids that must be delivered to other parts of the body by drinking twice the necessary amount of water. Make sure your meal’s consistency is kept at optimal levels for healthy digestion.
In addition, apple fiber supplements also keep the intestinal lining clean of toxic deposits, bacteria, harmful yeast, and parasites. In this way, optimal conditions for full nutrient assimilation are created. It protects beneficial intestinal flora, which is a key factor for good digestion and a healthy immune system. The water-absorption properties of apple fiber help to gather the liquid wastes directly from the lymphatic system and boosts efficient elimination of toxic free-radicals. The porous structure of apple fibers helps catch heavy metals that are further eliminated via the intestinal tract.
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