Magnesium is the 9th chemical element in the periodic table with the symbol Mg. It has an atomic number of 12. The element was described to be a shiny solid which is grey in color. Its position is 9th among the most abundant elements in our universe.
Magnesium has been said to be a crucial mineral. One that helps to keep the blood pressure at the proper level, makes the bones stronger and most importantly keeps the heart beat at a steady condition.
Magnesium and Coronary Artery Disease
Evidence from medical practitioners shows that intake of food that contain magnesium in high percentage or quantity can help reduce the risk or totally prevent hypertension in people who are pre-hypertensive.
The intake and consumption of Magnesium in daily food is essential, and low consumption of this mineral will most likely result to coronary artery disease, which is a heart disease condition. Coronary Artery Disease abbreviated as CAD is a disease that causes plagues, which are a waxy substance that tends to build up inside the coronary artery. The function of an artery is to supply blood that is rich in oxygen, that is oxygenated blood to the muscles of the heart. When this artery is blocked, what results is the CAD condition.
From time immemorial, physicians have advised patients with heart conditions to stay away from the intake of cholesterol and even patients with heart conditions: little did they know that they are actually not helping the patients get better faster. This advice has been found to be misguiding as per a new research which shows that 70% of coronary heart disease conditions are as a result of low levels of magnesium in the patients.
In a study carried, it’s been showed that even with the use of the available cholesterol-lowering, there has been no decrease in heart disease conditions but rather an increase. That is to show that cholesterol has actually not been the problem but rather low serum magnesium levels.
The intake of magnesium will actually affect the health of the heart in a positive way as most deposition of magnesium occurs in the heart alongside calcium. This is because magnesium acts as a supporting mineral for calcium to initiate contractions in the heart muscle.
Low levels of magnesium in serum is a great risk that can increase the risk of death if not properly looked into. A PHD holder and also the Director of Science and Research Outreach at the Centre for Magnesium Education and Research, Dr. Rosanoff Andrea once said that “getting sufficient magnesium either through routine eating, supplement or both can help avoid coronary illness, which is usually treated with solutions that produce undesirable reactions for many people.”
This statement is a great truth, considering that if we start paying close attention to our magnesium levels then millions of lives can be saved all over the world today.
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