Growing new brain cells or neurogenesis is becoming a trending topic today because it is not only healthy, but also advantageous. Most of us don’t know what the actual advantages are but growing these new cells sounds better when linked with killing and replacing old ones. Various ways have been discovered for growing new brain cells and some of them are – running, caloric restriction, enrichment of environment, antidepressants, etc. One of the important and effective ways of growing them are by taking curcumin.
Florida University Committee discovered that curcumin stimulates the birth of new neurons, particularly in the hippocampus, which is the seat of memory in the brain. Curcumin is found in the spice Turmeric. This spice contains enhancing powers that affects the brain in a good way.
Curcumin Experiment
Aim: Curcumin is said to have many important and neuro-protective properties, including neurogenesis in animals and improving the seat of memory in humans. So, an experiment was performed to find out the actual results.
Process: A report was prepared to check the production of hippocampal cell and the behavioral functioning in rats after keeping them under a curcumin stimulated diet for 6 weeks and then 12. It was found that curcumin improved both spatial and non-spatial memories, and not only that it increased the growth of a gyrate cell, compared to the rats, undergoing normal diet. Further studies were done to find out the fundamental mechanical pathways that might connect the process of curcumin treatment to increased cognition and neurogenesis via exon array analysis or cortical and hippocampal mRNA transcription.
Result: The result suggested that curcumin treatment may lead to production or grow new brain cells, i.e neurogenesis and it also increased through improving technique . Rats were the subject of this experiment. Later on, when experimented on humans, they found out that the effect was not the same due to genetic diversity. However, improvement to the memory was observed.
No institute has proven as of yet, that we really need to grow new brain cells. With the influx of new new technology and advances of science, it is expected that more inventions will be geared to the improvement of human life. It still remains a fact that neurogenesis is an interesting phenomenon that needs further investigation.
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