Propolis is a great natural antibiotic produced by bees. They produce it to glue parts of their hives together. Oddly enough, the antibiotic has many health boosting properties. Even though it may seem cutting edge, its uses have been used throughout history dating back to 350 B.C. In today’s article, we’re going to be breaking down the top health benefits of using propolis and why they are beneficial.
1. Boosts Immunity
One way propolis boosts immunity is by reducing or fighting candida, a fungal-like infection. A study found that propolis inhibits candidiasis, not allowing the infection to get into the bloodstream and spread to other areas of the body. It can also suppress the reproduction of many different kinds of yeast and foreign bacteria that upset the digestive system.
2. Helps Fight Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
Propolis also inhibit both the chances of getting a cold and the duration for how long a cold lasts. In one study, scientists gave a group of young children daily doses of propolis during the traditional cold season. The study revealed that the children given propolis had less colds and if they did, they were often shorter, going away 2.5 times faster than then those who did not receive propolis supplementation.
3. Helps Ear Infections
Another study found that propolis is very effective in dealing with ear infections. In a 3 month long study, young children that were given propolis weren’t diagnosed as often with an ear infection as the children in the placebo. Propolis can also help relieve ear inflammation which will help reduce the pain associated with inflammation in the inner ear.
Put a few drops of propolis in your ear, every day, will benefit you if you have a history with ear infections.
4. Combats Cancer
Propolis also posses anti-tumor properties.
5. Stops Cold Sore Reproduction
Many people get cold sores due to the herpes simplex virus that they carry. Test tube studies show that propolis can actually stop the virus from reproducing. Studies have also shown that people who use it as an ointment heal faster.
If you are experiencing any of these health issues, consider supplementing with propolis on a daily basis.
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