The body’s ability to work is greatly influenced by hormones. Any kind of imbalance can cause a number of health problems like metabolism, mental health, sex drive, and sleep cycles, etc. Depression, fatigue, problem in weight loss and dilapidation are some of the other problems experienced due to hormonal imbalance.
Hormonal imbalance can be caused by a variety of reasons including dietary habits, aging, harmful chemicals, lifestyle, stress and environmental metals. In fact, in order to remain healthy you will have to maintain balance in you hormones. One can be said healthy if he is mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally healthy. It can be possible only if he has healthy habits, focused mind, balanced amount of biological chemicals and calm nerves.
What are hormones?
Hormones are the chemical messengers that help in communicating between glands and systems. Your endocrine system including hypothalamus, pineal, adrenal, pituitary, parathyroid, thyroid, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract and thymus along with testes and ovaries contain these hormones as a part. Both men and women have similar hormones but in different ratio. They are naturally produced by these endocrine glands to regulate the development and growth of your weight, reproduction system and mod along with a number of other things.
You feel good and full of energy if the hormones in your body are balanced but if they go out of balance then you can experiences health problems like low energy level, fluctuating mood, overall health issues and reduced sex drive etc.
Restoration of hormonal imbalance
Many people use various types of hormonal supplements like progesterone, estrogen, pregnenolone, DHEA and testosterone to restore the balance in their hormones. But according to various researchers the consumption of Maca root can reduce your dependency on these hormonal products.
What is Maca root?
Maca is a root plant like turnip that grows at high altitudes like Andes Mountains etc. According to various health experts, Maca is considered as one of the most important herbs for mankind which was near to extinction some years back. Being a good source of various nutrients like potassium, calcium, silica and iron along with other minerals it is used for preventing and treating osteoporosis in various countries.
Effects of maca root
The natural substance in Maca root helps in stimulating hypothalamus and pituitary glands which in turn trigger the healthy functioning of adrenals, ovaries, thyroid, testes and pancreas for producing hormones in normal amount. It also reduces the intake of thyroid hormone for the people suffering from thyroid problem. It also helps in conceiving a child as it affects the fertility and energy level of both the sexes by balancing their hormones.
Several medical practitioners recommend Maca root to the elderly people to treat adrenal exhaustion and chronic fatigue syndrome along with restoring their vigor and energy level. They also recommend it to men and women both due to its positive effect on their testosterone levels.
Thus, you can restore your youthful level of hormones with this one herb, Maca root.
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