When people think of vitamin D- they instantly think of the sun and the sunlight that is loaded with vitamin D. But what if we aren’t getting enough, While there are a few changes that can happen in your body because of the deficit… 2 of the MAJOR things that can happen to your body are depression and body aches. They best 3 ways to beat this is simple go outside and get some sun and fresh air, if thats still not enough increase food with vitamin d in your diet and last there is always a supplement.
Key Takeaways:
- Unfortunately, there are very few foods that have therapeutic levels of vitamin D naturally to support our health needs, leaving many of us vitamin D deficient.
- Studies have shown healthy adults given vitamin D supplements during the cooler months reported greater positive mood than given a placebo.
- To make the same amount of vitamin D, someone with very dark skin needs 10 times the amount of sun exposure compared to someone with very pale complexion.
“Unfortunately, there are very few foods that have therapeutic levels of vitamin D naturally to support our health needs, leaving many of us vitamin D deficient.”