Because of the abundance of nutritious foods available in America, we don’t commonly think that vitamin deficiency is much of a problem here as it is in other less developed countries. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that around 10% of the population is nutrient deficient. The CDC found that the most common forms of nutrient deficiency were iron and vitamins B6 and D. Though all three of those nutrients can be found in a wide variety of foods, is possible that people who maintain poor diets and unhealthy habits could easily find themselves becoming nutrient deficient.
For instance, as the indoor activities like binge watching television shows and playing video games have become more culturally prevalent, it means that people are spending less time engaging in outdoor activities. Consequently, people who spend the majority of their time indoors can find themselves vitamin D deficient because they don’t spend enough time in the sun to get properly replenished. Also, people that maintain vegetarian or vegan diets may not be getting enough iron as they don’t eat iron suffused foods like red meat, poultry and fish. The only good thing about vitamin deficiencies is that they can be corrected rather simply by making dietary changes or adding of vitamin supplement to your daily intake.
Read the full article here: Feeling tired? Get your vitamins naturally