The benefit of probiotics to gut health has been widely publicized in recent years. The spotlight was justified, as probiotics improve the health of our gut, which in turn is connected to boosted immunity system, better quality of sleep and overall mood. The impact of prebiotics was rarely explained, but the awareness is increasing, especially among athletes. Prebiotics travel to our gut where they feed the good bacteria, which play active role in food digestion and better nutrient absorption.
Key Takeaways:
- If you’re skimping on the healthy foods and not getting enough prebiotic material, it can lead to what’s called “dysbiosis,” which is an imbalance in your gut microbiome.
- Much like probiotics, you can find prebiotics in some supplement formations, but it’s best to get them from foods, Purdy suggests.
- As the good bacteria in charge of balancing gut flora—and reducing GI symptoms in marathon runners along the way—probiotics are found in fermented foods like sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, kefir etc.
“Prebiotics are plant fibers that aren’t digested by the body, so instead, they travel to your lower digestive tract, where they form a tasty buffet for your healthy bacteria, according Purdy.”
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