Green Bean coffee extract is the new kid on the block as far as antioxidants are concerned. An extract from Green coffee beans has been proved to have stronger antioxidant effect as compared to known antioxidant sources like grape seed and green tea extract.
What is Green Bean Coffee extract?
Green coffee beans extract is taken from the same bean that is used to make your cup of coffee. Green coffee beans are used in diet pills and food supplements before roasting them. Coffee is prepared from the seeds of the arabica plant. The seeds contain phenolic acids, chlorogenic acid, which is the active ingredient that provides many health benefits.
Boiled coffee drinks contain cafestol, which is associated with the negative effects of the using coffee as stimulant. Green Bean coffee extract does not contain cafestol, hence is healthier and safe.
What is green bean coffee extract good for?
The active component called chlorogenic acid is primarily responsible for the main health benefits of the green bean coffee. Let us see what is green bean coffee extract good for:
– Chlorogenic acid in Green Bean coffee extract aids in neutralizing free radicals and solves the problem of hydroxyl radicals, both of which could have potential harmful effects at cellular level. in fact, Green Bean coffee is twice as effective as green tea or grape seed when it comes to absorbing free radicals. Studies have shown that this reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and other degenerative diseases.
– One of the most important benefits of Green Bean coffee extracts is that it aids in effective weight loss. This unroasted coffee extract is the main ingredient in many natural weight loss supplements. Chlorogenic acid, containted in Green Bean coffee, is useful in regulating metabolism. It helps in boosting up the metabolism by altering the way body takes up glucose. The Green Bean coffee also assist the body in burning higher proportion of lipids (fat) than carbohydrates.These two mechanisms work together to prevent accumulation of fat and utilization of stored fat for energy.
– One of the benefits of Green bean coffee is that it removes the negatives of the normal coffee. Green bean coffee doesn’t contain cafestol, which is found in regular coffee and can have harmful effects on heart and liver over long period of consumption.
– Green Bean Coffee extract help in controlling high blood pressure. Studies have shown that Chlorogenic acids assist in reducing blood pressure in humans. The effect is due to chlorogenic acid which metabolizes nitric acid and reduces hypertension.
– Studies have shown that green coffee beans can reduce the risk of liver damage in people who consume large amounts of alcohol.
– Green Bean coffee extract helps in improving the blood circulation activity.
– Green bean coffee extract helps in boosting metabolism, which keeps you active and energetic throughout the day.
– In another advantage, consumption of Green bean coffee extract tends to increase the effectiveness of the pain killer on the body, especially in case of migraine. Moreover, the coffee extract contains caffeine which helps in giving relief from pain.