Recent research by doctors have found that choline as an important nutrient, needed by people, to maintain and improve their eyesight. This piece talks about the research done on choline, as well as other benefits of it.
Unfortunately, it does not discuss which foods are rich in this nutrient. Other sources need to be referenced. Today, people only get 50% of the recommended amounts in their diets. Nutritionists need to increase awareness on how to get this beneficial nutrient.
Key Takeaways:
- Product launches aimed at eye health increased by more than 50 percent between 2016 and 2017.
- In 2017, the American Medical Association adopted a resolution to add the nutrient, Choline, to all pre-natal vitamin formulas.
- This nutrient, which supports brain health, also supports the development of the retina of the eye. .
“Choline truly is an example of a nutrient that impacts one’s entire life in important ways, making it essential that adequate levels be present in a pregnant woman’s body.”
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