Honey has long been considered a specific for those experiencing a cough by those that practice alternative and holistic medicine. However, data is proving what those practitioners have long attested. The National Institute of Health Care and Public Health England are now espousing the idea that patients should try honey before going to a medical practitioner for an antibiotic. Data now shows that cough sufferers can expect to recover within 3 weeks, without antibiotics and by using honey instead. The other important reason to try honey first is the fact that pathogens are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics.
Key Takeaways:
- Data has long demonstrated that honey effectively alleviates both the intensity and duration of coughing spells when compared to placebos.
- Most patients can recover from a severe cough, using a honey protocol, within 3 weeks.
- This is especially useful to know because antibiotic-resistant pathogens are on the rise, leading to harder to test infections.
“Finally, the National Health Service (NHS) in the U.K. acknowledged the effectiveness of honey and other herbal remedies in treating health problems.”
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