Taking in sufficient amounts of vitamin C is essential in maintaining your body’s immune system, as well as helping it repair and regenerate tissue. Many ancient colonies found themselves only consuming foods that they were highly familiar with, and this often had detrimental consequences. For one ancient village, their abstinence from consuming any foods rich in vitamin C ultimately cost them their lives. With such prominent deficiencies in vitamin C, their biological functions did not have enough of this key nutrient to thrive.
Key Takeaways:
- Big corporations try to keep people uninformed about how important nutrition to one’s diet.
- In Mexico, early Spanish settlers became weakened by scurvy, which is caused by a lack of vitamin C. This made the people more susceptible to disease and the population was wiped out.
- Vitamin C is an incredibly, necessary vitamin to keep in your diet, and recently has been proven to improve heart health.
“Many of the chronic conditions and diseases plaguing the world today could be prevented with proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle changes.”
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