From time to time a new “it” food appears, the latest in a parade of organic powerhouses, stuffed with nutrients, heretofore sitting quietly, until a spotlight shines upon them. Though, in this case not sitting, nor quietly, because the latest “it” food is a raucous little bug.This year the Nutriburg exhibit, part of the Fancy Food Show, located at the Jacob Javits Center, featured a Cricket protein bar. According to Nutriburg managing partner, David Binns, the chirpers are packed with Omega 3 oils, which Nutriburg is careful to process from the critters by a process of roasting and cold-pressing. The oil content is said to surpass that of salmon. Apparently committed to the insect frontier of nutritious cuisine, Nutriburg also has offerings of tarantula, bamboo worms and beetles.
Read more: Are crickets the new kale?