It seems every time we turn around there is some new study telling us that the things we like will cause cancer or otherwise be bad for our health. Then a week later a new study will come out completely contradicting what that original study says and they give you the OK to keep indulging in whatever it is the last study said spelled our doom. Well, get ready because that is happening again. Some studies suggest that drinking coffee causes a loss in bone density thus contributing to osteoporosis. And yet another study says there is no appreciable proof that’s true. Read on to decide for yourself which is true.
Key Takeaways:
- Coffee is a source of caffeine that can reduce bone density.
- The reduction of bone density due to caffeine in coffee does not increase the risk of breaking bones.
- Men do not lose as much calcium from urination as women.
“So the only coffee drinkers who need to worry about calcium they lose when they visit the restroom are those who don’t get enough calcium in the first place.”
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