Controlling Inflammation is a hot topic today. Inflammation is the cause of just about any ailment you have or will develop. Inflammation is the latest amazing medical discovery.
Controlling inflammation will help you live longer. It will help you avoid heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, even cancer. Controlling inflammation will help you with arthritis, macular degeneration, stroke, lung disease, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, hot flashes, and even lose weight.
What is Chronic inflammation?
Inflammation comes from your immune system not knowing when to turn off. When bacteria or viruses enter your body and cause an infection, your body naturally sends out defenses to fight the invaders. But the good defenders remain active – even though the invader is gone. Then your immune hormones and cells that were activated by the defenders, turn the body on itself and damage the tissues. This happens at varying levels, usually very low so that you don’t feel any pain or realize that anything could be wrong. Years later you find the damage has contributed to an illness such as heart disease, neurological disorders or even cancer.
Your fat cells – those around your middle – are often the biggest source of inflammation. Your fat makes a fire in your belly that spreads throughout your body. Then fire elsewhere in your body sending more inflammation to your belly, thus creating a vicious cycle of inflammation. The sad fact is that fat cells create inflammation, which creates more fat.
What’s the key to controlling inflammation?
Top of the list to controlling inflammation is to eat an anti-inflammatory diet. Anti-inflammatory diet is heavy on whole grains, vegetables, nuts, oily fish, some proteins, and brightly colored fruits and spices such as ginger and turmeric. The foods that mostly promote inflammation are trans fats, saturated fats, refined carbohydrates, corn and soybean oil, sugars, red meat, and dairy. Now you see why you will probably also lose weight with an anti-inflammatory diet. An added benefit.
What’s great about controlling inflammation with your diet, is no side effects. No list of side effects that come with most medications. And you should see improvement in just a few weeks.
How to Find Your Level of Inflammation
The best indicator of your level of inflammation is the C-Reactive Protein or CRP rating. Anything over 1.0 should be considered high. Next time you get your blood work done, ask your doctor to include the CRP test.
To date, there is no specific therapy, or prescription drugs have been evaluated for its ability to reduce levels of CRP. However, a handful of non-pharmaceutical interventions has been studied for their potential in relieving inflammation and lowering CRP levels. These include regular exercise, weight loss, smoking cessation, and stress reduction. Xanthones found in the mangosteen fruit have been shown in scientific studies to be a natural power anti-inflammatory, without any side effects.
By decreasing inflammation, men and women can potentially reduce their risk of many chronic diseases of aging caused by free-radical damage and chronic inflammation. Do your body a favor and start to reduce your inflammation today.
Inflammation: The Real Cause of All Disease and How to Reduce and Prevent It
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