Image by Joshua Schwimmer via Flickr
Our body is a well oiled machine so to speak, it is able to do things that even the best minds in the planet can’t duplicate in design. Our body is functioning efficiently and at its best whenever all of the necessary elements like organ systems are also well maintained. When one of those parts break down so does the function of the body. So imagine when one of the most important parts of the body will not work correctly, when one of the most important processes will not work like it is supposed to, for example waste processing of liquids, what will happen then is that the toxic waste that is supposed to have filtered out of the body will remain inside and that is not a welcome change for our body. And the one organ which is most responsible for this processing of liquids in our body are the kidneys, without it our body will swell up with water retention as the water in our body will have nowhere to go since it is not being processed by the kidney for secretion. So to know more about the importance of the kidney let us take a look at some details as to what it is and what are its main functions.
We all pretty much have a good idea already as to how a kidney looks like right? For those who forgot their science classes when they were young, it is bean shaped and usually it comes in pairs located opposite each other in each side of the spine in the body. It is about 5 inches long about 3 inches wide. The kidney’s primary function in the body is to filter the waste out of the blood. Now when we say waste, it is about the excess nutrients that the body does need or did not absorb and these become toxic to the body if it remains there as they are basically by-products of the body’s processes. That is why when there is excess in the substances we take in it is always the kidney that will get over worked and that is why we need to make sure we also take extra measures to keep it healthy.
Natural ways to Kidney Health
First thing that you can do is to make sure you are able to take ample amount of water daily as this will help cleanse the kidney and rid it of those harmful toxins that may cause problems such as kidney stones and other kidney impairments. Second is for you to make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals and phytonutrients that will help maintain kidney health. Third is to avoid drinking alcohol as it will give the kidney extra work that it really does not need at any time, it is overworked as it is. Fourth is to make sure that exercise is part of your lifestyle as exercise will also be able to help with preventing other major disease that might affect kidney function and health.
Herbs like celery seed, dandelion root, and parsley leaf can help gently stimulate kidney function and aid in the removal of excess water. Natural herbs are always a better way to remove water than harsh prescription drugs. Always consult your doctor before taking herbal remedies with prescription meds.
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