What is cedar oil
Cedarwood oil also known as cedar oil is of great significance and is normally derived from foliage, roots and woods of conifers types most of these belonging to either cypress botanical or pine families. So as to get such oil from this plant parts, they are chemically derived, pressed or distilled in quantities from such plants of genre Taiwania, platycladus and cupressus. This oil is used in medicine, perfumery, industry and art. Though they are called cedar oil, important oils are normally obtained by distilling wood. This wood is of various cypresses and junipers.
Uses of cedar oil
Its crude oils are normally yellowish or even darker. Some like Texas cedarwood oil have high viscosity and deposit some crystals on standing. They are important in fragrance application normally soap perfumes, insecticides, floor polishes and household sprays. Smaller quantities are used as clearing oil in microscope work.
Cedarwood oil contains
Organic compounds that are considered safe hence used in food preservation as a preservative. It’s also used as a fungicide and antibacterial. Cedrol and cedrene are compounds that contribute to odor of whole cedar oil but are also used in chemical industries in conservation. Cedar oil is also used in paints. This was initially done by Sumerians as a base for their paints. In our modern world it’s used in aromatherapy. It can be used in renewing smell of furniture made from cedar trees.
Cedar oil is also applied to human skin. This is to repel harmful insects that can make us ill. It’s also an additive of candles and sprays. It was not until invention of synthetic immersion that such oil was used for oil immersion in light microscopy.
Pulmonary and liver toxicity are potential illness likely to develop due to continuous exposure to cedar oil. Furthermore, there is likely to be negligible human environmental problems posed by being exposed to registered cedarwood food preservatives and pesticides.
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