A new study of patients suffering form systemic sclerosis has found they may benefit from probiotics. The study, conducted on patients in the United States and Norway, found that probiotics may help increase certain levels of gut bacteria in these patients. These bacteria can help protect against inflammation leading to systemic sclerosis. (Concurrently, patients in this study were also found to have increased levels of bacteria that promote inflammation.) The study examined a total of 51 adults: 34 with systemic sclerosis and 17 without. Researchers plan further testing.
Key Takeaways:
- Probiotics may help people with lower levels of gut bacteria by restoring balance to gut bacteria.
- Small study was conducted that indicate that probiotics may be helpful for certain types of people.
- Probiotics may be helpful in restoring gut bacterial balance based on a study performed with a small sample of people.
“The results of the study suggest that patients with systemic sclerosis have a unique lower gastrointestinal microbial consortium characterized by increased pathobiont orginisms and decreased beneficial commensal organisms.”
Read more: http://www.nutraingredients.com/Research/Could-probiotics-restore-microbiome-imbalance-linked-to-autoimmune-disorder