Over the past five decades, consumption of sugar in the globe has tripled. According to medical research, sugar damages your overall health from head to toe. Consumption of excess sugar affects your cardiovascular, brain, endocrine, digestive and the immune systems. Now if you are not familiar with the bad side of sugar on your health, read on to discover top 3 reasons why you should avoid excess sugar!
Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Excess Sugar
- Sugar leads to cancer development
According to medical experts consuming excess sugar allows our bodies to produce more insulin. Insulin promotes cells cell growth. Excessive sugar consumption creates conducive environment for cancerous cells to multiply efficiently. Consumption of excess sugar is also linked to increased colorectal, colon, breast, pancreatic and endometrial cancer.
- Sugar interferes with the immune system
Consumption of excess sugar plays a vital role in lowering white blood cells efficiency. When functioning of white blood cells is compromised the immune system is also interfered with, thus lowering the ability of your body to fight both diseases and infections efficiently.
- Sugar leads to premature aging
Sugar has the ability to effectively attach itself to proteins present in your bloodstream when sugar attaches itself to its results to Advanced Glycation AGEs End Products (AGEs).These End Products tend to damage elastin and collagen production this interferes with components that are necessary for maintaining healthy skin elasticity.
Top 3 best healthier sugar alternative Sweeteners
So, are you trying to cut down sugar or calories? If that is the case it is recommended by medical experts that you give below sweeteners approved by the FDA a try.
Stevia is a natural calorie free sweetener. It is extracted from a South American plant. According to research done by experts, stevia is a natural sweetener considered to be 200 times sweeter than sugar. It is considered a medicinal herb and reduces blood pressure. Studies prove that it can reduce the occurrence of breast cancer.
Xylitol according to medical research is a sugar alcohol or polyalcohol present in vegetables and fruits. Xylitol is extracted from corn. It helps reduce ear infections. Improves skin smoothness and strength and increases collagen synthesis.
Erythritol according to medical research is a sugar alcohol present in fermented foods and fruits. Erythritol is used as a food additive. Decreases the amount of both calories and sugar that you consume
Makes wise decision of which natural sweetener to use!
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