Do you list things in your life that have a place and time? Do you make your health a priority? If you are like most people, while health might be a priority, we don’t make it a functional priority. Most smokers will continue to smoke and most people believe they already eat a healthy diet. To learn more about making health a priority, read more here.
Key Takeaways:
- Most smokers continue smoking even though it is destroying their health. The pain of quitting and the pleasure they get from smoking are more important than the distant thought of living a longer life
- The vast majority of people, when survey, think they eat a very healthy diet. But what’s on their plate and the results in their weight and health tells a different story.
- Most people don’t exercise enough, even though they know it’s important for their long-term health. However, they find plenty of time for other activities such as watching TV.
“1) Most smokers continue smoking even though it is destroying their health. The pain of quitting and the pleasure they get from smoking are more important than the distant thought of living a longer life”