If you suffer from Esophagitis, painful inflammation of the esophagus, early detection and treatment is important. It can be caused by many different issues and often, can be treated based on the causative factors. Here you will find the different types of esophagitis, the symptoms and causes of each as well as natural remedies that do not have harmful side effects. These natural treatment tips are all described here to help you feel better without medications.
Key Takeaways:
- Symptoms of esophagitis include trouble swallowing, pain and swelling, chest pain, heart burn and acid reflux.
- The causes and risk factors of esophagitis include vomiting, alcohol, smoking, allergies and acid reflux.
- Esophagitis is usually treated with over the counter medication, avoiding allergies and irritations, and other natural remedies are available.
“Any type of esophagitis can become erosive if it begins to wear away the lining of the esophagus.”
Read more: https://draxe.com/esophagitis/
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