It is often said that foods with naturally vibrant colors are the most healthy. People often think of dark leafy greens as rich in nutrients, but overlook the deep red pomegranate for its health benefits. Pomegranates in particular are known for their ability to fight cancer using a multi pronged approach. They are full of a protective enzyme that can protect mutations that lead to cancer. Pomegranate also can prevent mutated cells from reproducing which will stop cancer in its tracks.
Key Takeaways:
- There is one rule in nature that is always true – natural foods with deep and vibrant colors tend to be the most nutritious.
- Pomegrantes uses a multi-pronged approach to fight cancer, including using antioxidants and having anti-inflammatory properties.
- Pomegranates fight cancer by preventing DNA mutations. If these mutations does occur, it interferes with their replication and causes mutated cells to die.
“As the CDC predicts that new cancer cases are set to rise by 24 percent among men and 21 percent among women, it has never been more pressing to take a closer look at the potential of gifts from nature like pomegranate to help fight the disease.”
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