There are studies shown that tryptophan along with probiotics can east gut inflammation. A study with mice shows that they had more immune cells when they had more tryptophan in their systems and that humans were able to show the same tolerance. Tryptophan had a direct link to the amount of immune cells found in the body and immune cells turned into tolerance promoting cells. This study could help many people who suffer from illnesses such as inflammatory bowel disease.
Key Takeaways:
- Help could be on the way for people with inflammatory bowel disease as progress was made in research on mice.
- The combination of L reuteri and tryptophan into a diet can cause a less upset stomach.
- Humans have been shown to have the same kind of cells as mice making mice an ideal test subject for this kind of human medicine.
“The development of these cells is probably something we want to encourage since these cells control inflammation on the inner surface of the intestines.”
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