Dried Astragalus Roots
Astragalus Membranaceus is a type of herb that has been used traditionally in natural remedies and herbal blends, particularly in Asiatic medicine. As a root, it can be used as ingredient in soup and eaten for its rejuvenating essence. The plant’s leaves and roots may be dried and ground up into powder, which can be used to make tea, concoctions, and tinctures. More studies have been carried on it recently because of its anti-inflammatory effects, heart healthy (cardioprotective) properties, and its extract’s potential in boosting longevity and lifespan.
Medicinal Uses and Indications of Astragalus
1. It’s an adaptogen, which means it helps the immune system fight the debilitating effects of an illness and long-term exposure to stress. Herbalists claim this type of plant affects the body down to the cellular level.
2. It can boost blood counts in people suffering from anemia.
3. When used as part of an herbal combination, the astragalus herb effectively treats and prevent colds and flu.
4. This plant seems to lower blood sugar, which is good news for diabetics. However, more studies are needed to prove it’s also effective as a diabetes treatment and not just a way to alleviate symptoms of this metabolic illness.
5. Astragalus can minimize fatigue, lack of appetite, and other side effects from chemotherapy.
6. Various correlation studies found significant data that astragalus can act as an antioxidant and help treat heart diseases. It’s also said to lower levels of cholesterol, which leads to blocked or hardened arteries.
7. Some studies administered a combination of herbs that included astragalus to their subjects and found that the herb helped in treating hepatitis.
8. Preliminary studies have shown that astragalus assists in protecting the kidneys and helps treat kidney disease.
9. One study revealed that astragalus minimizes symptoms hay fever or allergic rhinitis in people who frequently suffer from seasonal allergies.
Astragalus protects the body from diseases like diabetes and cancer, but also has antioxidants that protect the body’s cells from further damage. The substance is used to support and protect the immune system, prevent upper respiratory infections and colds, treat diabetes, lower blood pressure and to protect the liver. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that defend the body against infections. That is why sometimes people apply it on their skin for wound care. More so, some studies have revealed that astragalus consists antiviral features and stimulates the immune system hence it can help in preventing colds.
1. http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/herb/astragalus
2. http://examine.com/supplements/Astragalus+Membranaceus/
Photo Credit: Jenny Hsu via Flickr
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