Osteoporosis is the weakening of bones with age. It can turn minor falls into medical trauma. For women especially, it is important to take steps to minimize it. Appropriate, healthy diet is one key preventative measure. Calcium is important for bone health, but vitamin D and magnesium are … [Read more...]
The Top Nine Vitamins Important for Optimum Health and Wellness…
A healthy meal plan that supplies all the necessary vitamins and minerals is crucial to all women's health. Top vitamins to watch, and what they help: vitamin A (strengthens bones, skin, mucous membranes); vitamin B2 (immune function); vitamin B6 (gastrointestinal health); vitamin B9 (protects … [Read more...]
6 Fruits That Are Even Healthier Than You Think
The article explains 6 fruits that we should be eating regularly to obtain maximum health benefits. Some of these include papaya, grapes, blackberries, and avocado. All 6 fruits provide high levels of vitamin C, antioxidants, potassium, and calcium. By including these fruits in your diet you … [Read more...]
The one thing you can do in the morning to banish hunger cravings all day long
Researchers have found that working out first thing in the morning helps curb food cravings during the day. They have also found that it is the ideal time to encourage weight loss as well. The one thing in common with all who workout first thing in the morning is that it keeps exercising … [Read more...]
Get your daily dose of nuts
The article explains how nuts can be part of a healthy diet and give a boost of many nutrients. Nuts are also a quick, convenient on the go snack that can aid in weight loss. Nuts are also versatile and can be used in many dishes, cereals, and snacks. The article's main objective is that nuts can … [Read more...]
Hemp Is the New Tobacco as Kentucky Farmers Bet on Weed’s Cousin
Tobacco has long been the foundation of Kentucky's agricultural economy. As demand for tobacco wanes due to widespread health concerns about smoking, Kentucky farmers are starting to shift their attention towards hemp. The plant's taxonomic relationship to marijuana has legally hindered it as a … [Read more...]
Your Food, Cancer, and How to Confront This Inflammation Nation
The article explains that what we eat may not necessarily give us cancer, however how it develops in each of our system can influence the cause of it. It state some food items that we eat contain certain levels of chemicals which can cause an in balance that can lead to further issues down the road … [Read more...]
Three positive nutrition tips for healthy eating in the new year
Three positive nutrition tips for healthy eating in the new year Stop worrying about things not to eat and focus on a positive mindset of what you should eat. Drink water throughout the day and aim for approximately half an ounce to one ounce of water for each pound you weigh. For example, a … [Read more...]
These Are the Drugs That Cause the Most Overdose Deaths
Drug abuse is a huge problem in America. A recent study by the National Center for Health Statistics found that the most deadly drug is heroin, with over ten thousand deaths caused by the drug in 2014. Cocaine and Oxycontin followed behind, with over five thousand caused by each drug. The numbers … [Read more...]
Mandatory obedience: Hospitals are threatening the jobs of healthcare workers who refuse the flu vaccine
There is a lot of current controversy surrounding vaccines. Many people do not believe that they are necessary or they may be harmful. New info is emerging that if you are in the medical field the federal government will force the workers to get flu shots, causing much controversy around it. … [Read more...]
Foods that fight breast cancer?
There are many foods that fight breast cancer. Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, have few calories but plenty of fiber, calcium, iron, vitamins A and C. When cooked and mixed with other foods, onions and garlic may reduce insulin peaks and decrease inflammation, but … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Eat White Flour Or Maida
Maida, also known as refined flour, is an ingredient you see a lot in Indian kitchens. After all, typical Sundays mornings feature Poori or Naan. Except, although refined flour adds great texture to various foods, it’s not great for your health. It has zero fiber, little food value, and contains a … [Read more...]
Radioactive fish from Fukushima nuclear plant found on west coast of US
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EPA and Obama administration finally admit fracking can affect our drinking water
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Mental Health and Digestion
There are many micronutrients needed by the brain and body for good neurological function, and these mental health tools come from foods. Minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids are all essential but must be properly liberated from foods consumed to be useful, and then properly assimilated in the … [Read more...]
Brain tests predict children’s futures
A long-term study done in New Zealand recently showed how children can be screened as early as age 3 for their future success, or lack thereof. Testing of 1000 children showed which students would be more likely to be involved in crimes, need assistance, and use prescriptions. Their goal for the … [Read more...]
Diet Drinks Boost the Appetite
Diet drinks may be calorie free, but that does not mean they are good for the waste line. Along with all the chemicals that are in these drinks new research shows that they actually increase appetite. This is the exact opposite effect you want in a drink that supposedly will help you cut calories. … [Read more...]
Too much on your plate?
How much is too much? From birth, we know when enough food is enough for the moment. Can we say the same now? Restaurants distort our perception of when we should be finished eating our meal with larger and larger portions. Try to avoid these hazards! By singles serving snacks for less stress. Do … [Read more...]
What’s the most common cause of death in your county?
Dying, no one wants to think about it, yet it is going to happen to everyone. While it may be scary to think about the county you live in may show you how you will die. The National Center for Health Statistics did research on almost a million deaths to find why people die in specific counties … [Read more...]
Health Tip: Keep Teeth Healthy During the Holidays
It's the holiday season, that means slot of candy and sugar being consumed. This may taste goood, but it is not good for your teeth. There are some tips to keep your teeth healthy and limit the damage done to your teeth. Limiting the sugar and brushing your teeth after a meal is the best tips. … [Read more...]
Where You Live Determines What Kills You
There is new research that tell you how you will die. How is this possible? Well it is only possible depending where you live. The state you live in can predict what you have a higher chance to die from. From heart attacks to drug overdose, check your state and see the future. Where You Live … [Read more...]
SOYLENT PUKE: Silicon Valley financed “future food” that made people violently vomit, loaded with MSG, GMOs
The minds of Silicon Valley are vigorously trying to come up with a new type of food as an alternative to eating meat, the carbon exhaustive environment killer. A Los Angeles based start up company, “The Soylent Company” (sound familiar to anyone?), have introduced new, intelligently designed, and … [Read more...]
Turmeric Is Believed to Be a Potential Natural Alternative for Hair Loss
Are you losing hair at an alarming rate? Don't know what to do? Well new research shows that turmeric may be a natural way to fight hair loss. Being high in vitamin B it provides what the body needs to keep hair healthy and shinning. Add the supplement to your regimen today. Turmeric Is Believed … [Read more...]
Opioid epidemic is getting worse, says CDC
Have you heard about the newest problem America is facing? Well if not, it is a widespread opioid epidemic. This comes as the Center For Disease control finds that opioids use is at an all time high. The use is more widespread than anyone could had imagined, this is an issue that will need tackled. … [Read more...]
Step aside coconut oil, garlic is the new superstar natural ingredient via mindbodygreen: Is Garlic The…
Gretchen Lidicker, of MindBodyGreen, examines the health benefits of garlic in terms of its proven healing properties. Ancient cultures around the globe used garlic for its medicinal powers and were correct to do so. Garlic has antimicrobial properties that have been shown to fight bacteria … [Read more...]
Antidepressants And Women’s Bones
Older men and women who take the most widely prescribed antidepressants are at increased risk for bone loss, new research shows, but it is unclear if the bone loss is caused by the drugs. In one study, older women who took SSRI antidepressants showed a 60% acceleration in bone loss, compared with … [Read more...]
Yes You Can? Optimism May Help You Live Longer, Study Shows
Mounting research shows that optimism could extend your life. The latest study comes from Wageningen University in the Netherlands. For 999 elderly Dutch men and women, agreement with statements such as “I still have many goals to strive for” was highly predictive for longevity. When subjects were … [Read more...]
North American GM crops not showing higher yields than conventional crops in Europe
At a hearing of the House Agriculture Committee this week, opponents of mandatory labeling of GMO foods trotted out the now familiar argument that genetically engineered crops are the key to feeding Earth’s mushrooming population. One witness was Professor Nina Fedoroff of Penn State University, who … [Read more...]
EPA just approved another toxic herbicide linked to infertility, birth defects and lung cancer in both humans and animals
The EPA is supposed to be protecting the people and their health, Right? Well that is not the case as they have just approved a pesticide dicamba that is proven to cause infertility, cancer, and all sort of health issues. This is just another example of shady dealing that go one. EPA just … [Read more...]
Startup Reports Successful Transplant of Lab-grown Bones
There is good good news coming out of Israel with respects to bone grafts. It is in early clinical trial, but it is showing much promise. It is important because they are making liquid bones that work fro transplant, a huge step forward. More will be known as trials move on. Startup Reports … [Read more...]
Q&A: How Good Is a Bad Night’s Sleep?
This article asks whether or not someone who is troubled with vivid nightmares can still get a good night's sleep. Studies cited by the article suggest that sleep can be disrupted by nightmares, leading to insomnia and causing stress during daily life. However, if you're dreaming, you're tapping … [Read more...]
Scam: No trace of Aloe Vera found in products at Walmart, CVS
Anyone who has recently purchased Aloe Vera at Target, Walmart or CVS may instead have bought Aloe Where uh. The giant retailers who obtain their merchandiser through a supply chain that stretches from Florida to an alleged fair trade group in Guatemala sold the Aloe free product tested by Bloomberg … [Read more...]
French study claims Pampers nappies contain carcinogens linked to cancers of the skin, lungs, bladder, liver and stomach
Recent studies claim that Pampers diapers contain carcinogens that are commonly linked to different cancers. Currently, diaper companies are not required to list all the ingredients used to make their products, and because diaper companies are self-regulating, it's up to them to comply with safety … [Read more...]
Oldest living person credits raw eggs, independence
Emma Morano, the oldest person in the world is the only person alive who has lived through three centuries. Her secret? A diet of two raw eggs a day and ending her abusive marriage. Good genetics also play a key factor for Morano who has perfect glucose and cholesterol levels despite her diet of raw … [Read more...]
Smoking boosts heart attack risk 8-fold for younger adults
Smokers under 50 are eight times more likely than non-smokers of the same age to have a major heart attack, scientists said Wednesday. The gap in risk between those who do and don't consume tobacco diminishes with age, dropping to a five-fold difference among 50-to-65 year-olds, and a three-fold gap … [Read more...]
Marijuana reduces brain dopamine, experts say
This new study came out by the Medical Research Council Clinical Sciences Center at Imperial College London in the UK showed that the main ingredient in marijuana long term effects dopamine levels in the brain. The THC causes a long term effect on the dopamine system which controls some of the … [Read more...]
Scurvy makes surprise return in Australia
The incidence of scurvy rickets in Australia. Our data confirmed that recent resurgence, especially those with dark skin, had taken a reoccurrence with the Australian people, particularly along with other deficiencies. Sudan was the most common country of birth for children and parents in this … [Read more...]
This Gene Might Help You Keep Sober
Excessive alcohol consumption was responsible for 33 million deaths in 2012. According to a study conducted by the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, there may be a gene that some people possess that explains why some people are able to say no to alcohol more easily. The gene is called … [Read more...]
Allergic to Penicillin? New Study Suggests Otherwise
You may not actually be allergic to penicillin. Simply growing older may be all you need to overcome the reaction you had as a child. Read further to find out the considerations for determining if you actually are allergic as an adult or if you have to keep accepting the plan b of antibiotics. … [Read more...]
How drugs get named
Drug nomenclature is the systematic naming of drugs, especially pharmaceutical drugs. Drugs, in the majority of circumstances, have 3 types of names: chemical names, the most important of which is the IUPAC name; generic or nonproprietary names, the most important of which are the International … [Read more...]
Toxic heavy metal lead found at 700 times national limit in China’s water supply
A major reservoir supplying drinking water in China contained heavy metal pollutants at levels far above safe standards for a period of at least three years, according to a study by Chinese scientists. Levels of lead in the reservoir were 700 times the maximum National Limit. Excessive lead in … [Read more...]
More evidence ties sugary caffeinated drinks to poor sleep
A new study found that people who complain about poor sleep are also more likely to drink a lot of soda. The study suggests that sleep could be improved with reduction of one’s intake of sweetened and caffeinated beverages. The researchers looked at data from nearly 19,000 adults. Those participants … [Read more...]
Simple tips to prepare a healthy meal – that keeps you feeling full
We’re about to totally bust through the notion that healthy foods can’t be filling. You see, naturally high-fiber foods are key when it comes to getting your nutrients and not hearing your stomach grumble an hour later. You should aim to include a fiber source in every meal and snack. Check out … [Read more...]
New high tech cars may be damaging your health
That “new car smell” is now being considered a major source of possible indoor air pollution. Studies have been conducted due to concern over the chemicals that cause that smell in the vehicle. One such study from 2012 showed that these chemicals may be causing severe health defects, such as birth … [Read more...]
Customers as young as 10 damaged by ‘Roundup’ weed-killer now suing Monsanto
A Los Angeles law firm is representing approximately 140 people in a case against Monsanto. These people all claim to be suffering from non-Hodgkin lymphoma due to glyphosate exposure from their herbicide product, Roundup. Glyphosate is such a widely used product that the population of those filing … [Read more...]
5 reasons to snack on dates
Dates are tasty and delicious, a healthy snack. They are affordable and available The nutrients in dates include trace minerals and healthy, natural chemicals that are good for your skin and digestion. Natural substances found in dates may reduce cholesterol and help with controlling seasonal … [Read more...]
Diet and exercise can improve kidney function in patients with fatty liver disease
Fatty liver – the medical term for the condition is non-alcoholic steatohepatitis – is a serious condition that can lead to cirrhosis and cancer. It can also hurt kidney function. Now there is good news. Research shows a low fat/low calorie diet and exercise can reduce liver inflammation and … [Read more...]
Can too much protein put you in a ‘food coma?’
Tens of millions of Americans who drop off into a drowsy stupor after an indulgent Thanksgiving meal. What causes it? The answer might surprise you. Researchers at the Scripps Research Institute have done a study of fruit flies that show certain foods cause it to sleep more after large meals. No, … [Read more...]
Holiday party food that won’t destroy your diet
You're already gained five pounds from Thanksgiving Day gorging, and now the countdown is on for your annual Christmas Eve shindig. No need to completely go off the rails as you plan your menu. Check out the low-fat but still yummy dishes featured in this article, from baked jalapeno poppers to … [Read more...]
Turning back the aging clock
Caltech and UCLA researchers have established a new approach to getting rid of cellular damage that comes with aging. Their procedure may slow or even reverse a major source of aging. The technique removes mutated DNA from mitochondria, which produces chemical energy inside a cell. It may also … [Read more...]
Aspartame may prevent, not promote, weight loss by blocking intestinal enzyme’s activity
Researchers believe that aspartame might not enable weight loss. In fact, it might actually prevent it. In the investigation, the team from Massachusetts General Hospital discovered that the aspartame breakdown product phenylalanine disrupts the work of an important enzyme that should prevent … [Read more...]
Here’s Why Health Care Costs So Much
The American health care system is structured differently from systems in other countries, making it more expensive. Let me give you three reasons why. The first one is because the administrative costs of running our health care system are astronomical. About one quarter of health care cost is … [Read more...]
Tips for eating during the holidays
As the holidays draw ever nearer, most people are looking for ways to keep off those extra pounds. A lot of us try to restrict our diets around the holidays to keep the weight off, but this can often backfire. Telling ourselves that we can’t have something only makes us want it more. Go ahead and … [Read more...]
78 People Die a Day From Opioid Overdose: Surgeon General
According to the Surgeon General, 78 people die every day from opioid overdose. However, they are also requesting that this addiction not be thought of as a character flaw. This view adds feelings of shame to the patient and makes it less likely that they will seek treatment. Statistically, opioid … [Read more...]
Daily Can of Soda Boosts Odds for Prediabetes, Study Finds
Drinking just one 12-ounce soda a day may increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes, a new study from Europe suggests. In the study, people who drank a 12-ounce sugar-sweetened soda daily were 18 percent more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes over a 16-year period compared with those who did not consume … [Read more...]
More than 1 billion people globally are living with high blood pressure
The number of people in the world with high blood pressure has reached 1.13 billion, according to new research. Over half of the world's adults with high blood pressure in 2015 lived in Asia. Around 226 million people in China have high blood pressure, along with 200 million in India. High blood … [Read more...]
Could Common Heartburn Drugs Up Stroke Risk?
Heartburn drugs are already under investigation for possible links to dementia, kidney and heart problems. And now, according to a new report, an analysis of nearly 250,000 medical records in the country Denmark has found a link between the drugs and the risk of having a stroke. According to their … [Read more...]
Craving Salt? Your Genes May Be the Reason, Study Suggests
Next time you feel the urge to sprinkle some extra salt on your veggies don’t be too hard on yourself. A new study suggests it may be in your genes. According to a University of Kentucky study, genetic variations cause some people to be more keenly aware of bitter flavors, and these people are twice … [Read more...]
McDonald’s trying to cater to ‘health nuts’ with new options … but they aren’t biting
For people into healthy eating and living, McDonald’s epitomizes all that’s wrong with American eating habits. McDonald’s got the message. It’s now trying to woo health-conscious consumers with antibiotic -free chicken, kale salad and whole-wheat muffins. Is it going to work? The jury is still out. … [Read more...]
Exercise Good for Cancer Patients During, After Treatment
Over 15 million people are cancer survivors in the U.S. Being a cancer survivor – or a recovering cancer patient – does not mean you have to rest all the time. A new study shows that exercising during and after cancer treatment is quite safe. And what’s more, it’s good for the recovering cancer … [Read more...]
Twelve Tips for a Healthy Holiday
Holiday season is here, and it’s time for friends and family to gather. But is holiday season necessarily healthy season? Not quite, to be honest – it’s a time for self-indulgence. Make this holiday season a healthy season, too. Follow these tips – Plan your meals; keep goodies out of sight; … [Read more...]
Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease overtake heart disease as the leading cause of death in America
Dementia and Alzheimer's disease are now the leading cause of death in America. Of the 529,655 deaths registered in 2015, 11.6% were attributed to dementia or Alzheimer's, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Among those aged 80 or over, dementia and Alzheimer's disease account for … [Read more...]
How to stay healthy this winter?
Winter brings with it its own share of health hazards. The rate of heart attacks and strokes go up. The cold weather triggers depression. However, there are ways to protect your health. Consume a diet rich in soluble and insoluble fibres, stay well hydrated, include raw foods in your diet such as … [Read more...]
Trilobites: Your A.T.M. Is Covered in Microbes, but Mostly Harmless
For a study in which 66 ATM stations were swabbed and tested across New York City, researchers found a myriad of microorganisms. They were found to be relatively harmless, with most being the same organisms that are found on our skin and other surfaces we touch on a regular basis. The keypads were … [Read more...]
Many With Common Irregular Heartbeat Unaware of Stroke Risk
Did you know that if your heartbeat is irregular, you are at greater risk of a stroke? Many don’t seem to know that. A study of 1,000 persons with atrial fibrillation, a common heart disorder, found that one out of three Americans diagnosed with the condition had no idea that it puts them at … [Read more...]
Superfood Tip: The sweet health benefits of sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes not only taste good they have many health benfits for you. Sweet potatoes are not only good for your hoildays meals ,they are good all year round. Sweet potatoes contain alot of vititams that our body need and with the slow release of sugar they can help with fatigue and weight … [Read more...]
STUPID: Corn syrup for the apocalypse? Food storage companies use corn syrup solids to fatten you up
If you are thinking about food storage for a long-term emergency, don’t take the terrible short-cut of storing up on what major food companies offer. These storable foods offered are a chemical nightmare, full of genetically-modified organisms, synthetic preservatives, mono-sodium glutamate, … [Read more...]
Compromised immune system can be re-activated
The immune system protects us from harmful pathogens. However, when sepsis – or blood poisoning – happens, this system can fail. Now a study by researchers at Radboud University, published in “Cell,” shows that a specific sugar can reverse the failure of the immune system. This discovery could lead … [Read more...]
Vitamin D May Affect Breast Cancer Survival – HealthDay
Did you know that vitamin D levels can impact breast cancer survival? A new study of 1,700 cancer patients in California shows that higher vitamin D levels at diagnosis were associated with better survival rates. The study found lower vitamin D levels in patients with advanced-stage tumors, and the … [Read more...]
Missing links that connect human DNA variation with disease discovered
Scientists have been saddled with mountains of genetic data. Now they have discovered how very small changes in the DNA sequence are related to our risk of disease. This discovery will be useful in designing new drugs and future treatments for a number of diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and … [Read more...]
McDonald’s investor renews push for antibiotic reduction in all meat
A McDonald’s shareholder is asking the fast-food chain to stop all its global restaurants from serving meat of animals raised with antibiotics. Livestock use over 70 percent of antibiotics in the U.S. Scientists have warned that routine use of antibiotics contributes to the rise of dangerous … [Read more...]
Vitamin D reduces respiratory infections
We all know vitamin D has many benefits and that we should all be stocked up on it, especially for the winter. But, what about the benefits we don't know? A new clinical trial shows new findings about vitamin D and what it was prevent, or help treat! Read on to find out what vitamin D can do for … [Read more...]
Get Washington out of the organic food business
The federal government should not have the authority to label foods in a certain nature, such as "organic". The article argues that hydroponic foods qualify as organic foods due to the non-use of pesticides or artificial chemicals. The government today is struggling to understand how to label a … [Read more...]
Anti-Inflammatory Diet May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease Mortality in Breast…
Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the best ways to stave off chronic inflammation. Basically, extra fat fuels an inflammation response in people can lead to too much inflammation. Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet, a diet loaded with antioxidant-rich vegetables and fruits, and fiber-rich whole … [Read more...]
Common Additives in Processed Foods Seen to Promote Gut Inflammation, Raise Cancer Risk
If you could make one change in your life that would lower your risk of chronic disease, help you lose weight, and make you feel happier and more energized, would you do it? The one change I'm referring to is cutting back on processed foods. It's widely known that refined junk foods aren't good for … [Read more...]
Tell your taste buds to grow up
If it’s green, leafy, crisp, and free of chemicals, it’s safe, healthy, and good to eat. Adding such a food to your diet, in sauteed, steamed, boiled, dehydrated, baked, or raw form, will most likely help, so eat it! I’m not saying you have to eat three heaping platefuls of vegetation. I’m … [Read more...]
How bad posture is affecting you for life
Sure, bad posture can make you neck creak and your shoulders ache, but recent research shows that your slouch might be making you a grouch. Slouching doesn’t just hurt your attitude, it can affect how people see you. When you sit in a crunched position, your viscera (intestines) are folded up, too. … [Read more...]
Inflammatory Bowel Disease on Rise in US
The term inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) describes a group of disorders in which the intestines become inflamed. It has often been thought of as an autoimmune disease, but research suggests that the chronic inflammation may not be due to the immune system attacking the body itself. Instead, it is a … [Read more...]
The 5 ‘Unhealthy’ Foods You Should Be Eating
Omega-3s are found in fatty fish (salmon, trout, catfish, mackerel), as well as flaxseed and walnuts. And it's fish that contains the most effective, "long-chain" type of omega-3s. The American Heart Association recommends eating 2 servings of fatty fish each week. "Plant sources are a good … [Read more...]
Weight loss surgery may reduce risk of developing gout
Bariatric surgery has been shown in a new study to offer benefits in reducing the impact of gout, both for patients who currently suffer from the disease and those who do not.A team led by Dr Nicola Dalbeth of the department of medicine at the University of Auckland's faculty of medical and health … [Read more...]
Health Tip: Enjoy Autumn Produce
I have a confession to make. I’m addicted to fall. Summer, spring and winter have their moments. But for me, nothing compares to grabbing my favorite sweater to enjoy that first crisp fall day or driving down a winding country road to take in a kaleidoscope of color. It’s time for autumn pears, … [Read more...]
Anti-Aging Juice With Blackberries & Apples
Normally, I am a blueberry and raspberry girl only. But I just love, love, love how juicy and plump these blackberries are and had to use them instead. So happy I did. Instead of sugar and milk (my usual smoothie ingredients,) I used agave nectar and almond milk. That, paired with the fruit and a … [Read more...]
Skin patch might someday track your health
Pretty soon we will be able to wirelessly transmit some of health signals to our health providers. A patch which records heartbeats and a few other health measures is in research stages. Results are encouraging and may be coming soon to a doctor near you. Hope to be able to monitor and diagnose … [Read more...]
California fruit processing facility tests positive for listeria
A Central California company is recalling specific lots of its fresh peaches, plums, nectarines and pluots sold nationwide over concerns of possible listeria contamination. Listeria can cause serious illness and even death for sensitive groups, such as children, the frail and the elderly. Healthy … [Read more...]
Feed your brain: eating tips to stay in top condition
The old maxim "You are what you eat," turns out to be true. New research on so-called "brain foods" shows that some chemicals in the foods we eat go right to our brain cells. Sounds pretty powerful. Getting beneficial anti-oxidative compounds like vitamins C, E, beta-carotene and other nutrients … [Read more...]
Blood pressure, cholesterol drugs fail to slow cognitive decline: study
Results of clinical trial presented on Sunday have shown that taking medicines to lower blood pressure and cholesterol failed to prevent cognitive and functional decline in older adults with moderate risk to heart disease. The study was an offshoot of a more than 12,000-patient trial called Hope-3 … [Read more...]
Diabetes skyrockets 75% in just one decade … medical system clueless about answers
The number of people with diabetes will double worldwide by 2030, according to new estimates from researchers at the World Health Organization (WHO) and several European universities. Although the U.S. is expected to experience a far more rapid increase in diabetes rates, the study suggests the … [Read more...]
Anti Aging – Antioxidants Are The Most Powerful Anti-Aging Ingredients | Beauty Tips
When it comes to anti-aging ingredients, the research is clear: Antioxidants are essential and the more you apply to skin, the better! Just like your diet needs a mix of healthy beneficial nutrients, so does your skin. Skin is the largest organ of your body and so nourishing its surface with … [Read more...]
High blood pressure now major problem in developing world: study
High blood pressure is a common and dangerous condition. Having high blood pressure means the pressure of the blood in your blood vessels is higher than it should be. But you can take steps to control your blood pressure and lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. About 1 of 3 U.S. adults or … [Read more...]
How Did I Gain 5 Pounds Over the Weekend?
Gaining pounds after a busy weekend is pretty easy. High sodium in some of our favorite foods like Chinese can be the culprit, as well as alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates the body, so after drinking it, we retain water. Sparking water can also sneak in the sodium and do the same thing. Lots of Cardio, … [Read more...]
Popular heartburn medications linked to higher risk of stroke
Many medications on the market today are intended to treat a symptom, but they usually end up creating more symptoms than they alieve. One of the most prescribed medications is a PPI, for acid reflux and heartburn. Although, according to new research by the American Heart Association, these can … [Read more...]
Healthy eating
It’s important to include a lot of healthy food so you can maintain a good balance in your diet, which many people strive to do. You’ll want to follow a rule of about 80, 10, 10. That’s 80 percent of your diet will include fruits and vegetables, 10 percent grains or meat and 10 percent fat. Of … [Read more...]
Fibromyalgia: Does exercise help or hurt?
So you’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which happens to affect many Americans. You’re probably wondering if it’s a good idea to exercise with this condition, if it will make the pain flair up. The truth is that it’s crucial for people with fibromyalgia to continue to be physically active. Just … [Read more...]
Sugary, Caffeinated Drinks Could Cost You Sleep
A recent study performed by the University of California San Francisco has made a significant correlation between the amount of sleep we get and how much sugar and caffeine we consume. Researchers noted that people who slept five or fewer hours a night consumed up to 21 percent more sugary drinks … [Read more...]
Depression becoming more common among U.S. teens
Anyone can suffer from depression, but a new study find that there may be a steadily increasing percentage of teens suffering from depression. During the length of the study it was found that teen depression rate rose between 1% and 3% for each age group. Read the full article for more information … [Read more...]
Heredity isn’t always destiny when it comes to heart attacks: study
It has been said that your risk of a heart attack is a hereditary trait, but new information shows that it may be possible to greatly reduce you risk. In this study it was shown that although genes to play a major role in cardiac heath, strictly following a healthy lifestyle, including diet and … [Read more...]
Healthy Lifestyle Improves Brain Function
Making an effort to improve your life may also help improve your brain function. Living a healthier lifestyle by exercising more or eating better may lead to increased mental function, which could make it easier to continue making healthier decisions in the long run and help keep you healthier as … [Read more...]
Radiation May Contribute to Alzheimer’s
A recent study examined the effects of ionizing radiation exposure and its link to Alzheimer’s. People are exposed to ionizing radiation through a variety of sources including x-ray machines, kitchen, microwaves, planes, and objects of the like. The study found that ionizing radiation, even in low … [Read more...]
Immune Health Supplements Market is segmented on the basis of product type as vitamins A, C …
The immune health supplements market has seen a strong uptick recently and is expected to continue its strong growth. Factors like pollution and processed foods can cause a weakened immunity system. An important objective for companies involved in this industry is to keep up with the ever-changing … [Read more...]
New findings show promise for treatment of Graves’ disease and other ocular disorders
A recent study found a potential breakthrough for treatment of Graves’ disease, an illness which is diagnosed to roughly 1 million Americans annually and has symptoms which affect the eyes. The new treatment aims to block collagen production and combat two symptoms of Graves’ disease, excessive … [Read more...]
Tips on consuming more fiber
Fiber is so important to consume on a regular basis to maintain your good health. So many do not consume enough fiber each day, however. If you're ready to change that and enjoy the health benefits of fiber, these tips are made just for you. These awesome tips make it easy to get more fiber in your … [Read more...]
8 Diet Changes That Can Boost Your Brain Health
There are certain things you can do to boost your brain health. The MIND diet is especially beneficial, and can be broken down into a few simple steps. First, use clear green, leafy vegetables. Add pulses to salads, and use whole grains in your diet as well. Have healthy snacks available. … [Read more...]
High Triglycerides Tied to Pancreatitis Risk
The risk for acute pancreatitis increased sharply as triglyceride levels rose. At 177-265 milligrams per deciliter, the risk increased by 130 percent; at levels above 443, the risk rose by 770 percent. Triglyceride levels below 150 are considered average regarding heart health; in earlier studies, … [Read more...]
Smoking causes up to 40% of cancer deaths in the US… so why are cigarettes still sold by pharmacies?
One of the most recent bodies of research, published online in JAMA Internal Medicine, found that the proportion of cancer deaths that are attributable to smoking cigarettes contributes to nearly 40 percent of deaths in some regions of the country. The study found that there were higher percentages … [Read more...]
There’s proof that exercise is key to a healthier, longer life
We hear over and over again how exercise benefits our health, yet very little evidence is there to prove this fact -until now. If you want proof that you'll live a healthier, longer life with the use of regular exercise, the proof is now here for yoU! Check this information out to learn more and … [Read more...]
Sugar and heart health
Sugar is the new culprit, more than fat, for causing heart disease. The Journal of the American Medical Association suggests a heart-healthy diet with healthy fats, largely from nuts, and limited sugars. This is recommended in addition to the typical advice to exercise more, avoid tobacco, and … [Read more...]
Do Your Part to Stop Spreading Colds and Flu
There are a few simple steps you can take to avoid spreading the cold or flu. One easy thing you can start with is to stay home when you are sick and avoid contact with others. Wash your hands often and do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Also make sure to disinfect commonly used areas and make … [Read more...]
101 Tips for Simplifying Diabetes
For people with diabetes, the disease can seem as though it has a mind of its own. Sometimes the best way to manage diabetes is to simply outthink it. The newest installment in the American Diabetes Association’s 101 Tips series does just that--by following the same great quick, easy-to-read … [Read more...]
Factbox: Soda, sugar taxes across the United States
November 7th, the University of Warwick published a study inciting low vitamin D levels to be associated with elevated risk for developing bladder cancer. The study was based on a review of several other studies regarding the topic. However, we’ll need further clinical studies and reviews to confirm … [Read more...]
Low vitamin D levels linked to increased risk of bladder cancer
November 7th, the University of Warwick published a study inciting low vitamin D levels to be associated with elevated risk for developing bladder cancer. The study was based on a review of several other studies regarding the topic. However, we’ll need further clinical studies and reviews to confirm … [Read more...]
Causes of heart attack (myocardial infarction) in elderly
A heart attack, also referred to as a myocardial infarction, is when the heart doesn't get enough oxygen, usually because of a blocked or clogged artery and so parts of the muscle get damaged. With immediate treatment, sometimes this can be treated, although it must be within the time period of the … [Read more...]
Man’s liver inflammation linked to ‘common energy drink’: study
A new study says man’s liver inflammation is due to a popular energy drink. He was admitted to a hospital after feeling unwell. He became alarmed when his eyes turned yellow, his urine was dark and he began experiencing very heavy, flu-like symptoms. This is the second known case caused by excessive … [Read more...]
This legal opioid is leaving a lethal trail in the US
A legal opioid is leaving a wreck in it’s wake, within the U.S. It travels all the way from China and goes into a syringe. The drug Pink or Pinky is a synthetic opioid called U-47700 that leaves users without a pulse, due to it being 8 times stronger than morphine. In fact, U-47700 is still legal in … [Read more...]
Calif., Nev., Mass. Legalize Marijuana; Fla. OKs Medical Pot
Big news hits some of our progressive states this election day. The legalization of Medical Marijuana has just been signed into office in Florida and North Dakota. If this green wave continues marijuana could be legal in all of 29 states. Polls say 60% of people think marijuana should be legalized … [Read more...]
8 Anti-Aging Foods to Have For Breakfast
What’s the most important meal of the day? Breakfast! Even better than breakfast is a totally guilt free breakfast. In a world where just about everything seems to give you cancer, it’s important to try and minimize the number of free-radicals in your body. You can do so with great foods such as … [Read more...]
Does baby powder cause cancer? Another jury says yes.
The multi-million dollar company, Johnson & Johnson is entering it’s third major law suit. This time on whether it’s household named baby powder contains a talc that can cause cancer. Last Thursday, Deborah Modesto was awarded $70.1 million due to her being diagnosed with cancer in 2012. The … [Read more...]
Yale study: Fracking causes release of cancer-causing chemicals
Fracking is cause for the release of a number of different carcinogens being spewed out into the atmosphere. They’re able to contaminate both water and air. Fracking is a popular name for the drilling; particularly for oil. Anyone near the drill site is likely to be exposed to it’s cancer causing … [Read more...]
Study links low vitamin D levels to increased bladder cancer risk
A new study out of the UK has found a link between low vitamin D levels and bladder cancer. While low vitamin D levels are not in-and-of-themselves the cause of bladder cancer, it may be that low levels can increase your risk. Previous studies have shown the importance of vitamin D in preventing a … [Read more...]
When you think about fats, nutritionally what do you think of? Do you think that dairy fats are beneficial? For many years experts have been telling people to cut back on fats but now they are starting to embrace the true role of fats in our diets. Now with that said, dairy fats are playing a vital … [Read more...]
Proteins as an early warning system for type 1 diabetes?
A recent study has identified some protein markers that may be promising in the early detection of type I diabetes in children. The study has been able to isolate proteins in children who have relatives with type I diabetes, and thus, have a higher chance of contracting the disease themselves. While … [Read more...]
Study: Link between Common Food Additive, Cancer Found
A study at Georgia State University’s Institute for Biomedical Sciences is showing that the use of synthetic emulsifiers may be linked to colon cancer. When to-scale doses of polysorbate 80 and carboxymethylcellulose were fed to mice, it is believed that it altered the microbiota present in the … [Read more...]
6 common symptoms of pancreatic cancer
Pancreatic cancer can be a very deadly cancer when left untreated. Knowing what to look for can help with making sure you treat yourself before its too late. Jaundice, or yellow skin, is one of the most clear indicators. Along with that, dark colored urine is another sign. Abdominal pain and … [Read more...]
Rethinking our nutrition guidelines
Doug Eyolfson, a Canadian doctor and researcher, has noticed the struggle for Canadians to maintain proper health through their diet. Eyolfson believes that proper diet is the best preventative medicine you can do, since it makes sure your body doesn't develop negative health issues in the first … [Read more...]
Exercise may shield against the health fallout of a weeklong overindulgence
Exercise is known to do a lot, and one of those positive effects is to help the body process overeating. Many people tend to overeat certain meals such as large portions of meat, and this can become hard for the body to process. Exercise helps the body balance out, and to stabilize your digestive … [Read more...]
Exercise: It’s what the doctor ordered
Everyone needs exercise, although adults tend to ignore it as they start families and careers. Exercise does not need to be "exercise", just physical movement. Finding a form of exercise that works for you is important. As long as you spend enough time per week exercising your body will start to get … [Read more...]
Nutrition: Now’s the time to start working on a holiday eating strategy
The holidays often mean a few months of poor eating. Keeping this in mind, its good to focus on healthy eating from the start. If you want to eat certain foods, then you should make those your "cheat" meals ahead of time. Also, while it will be cold out, you should keep up with exercise to keep your … [Read more...]
Health Tip: Coping With a Chronic Cough
Do you have a chronic cough? If you are like some people you find it almost too hard to deal with a cough that just won’t seem to go away. There are some tips that you can keep in mind. First always consult with your doctor, quit smoking and find out which irritants trigger your cough. To learn more … [Read more...]
Hate exercise? It may be in your genes
Do you hate exercise? If you are like some people then you do not look forward to exercising but the truth is that it might be your genes to blame. The part of the brain that modulates dopamine in the brain is what may play a role in your willingness to embrace or avoid exercise. Hate exercise? … [Read more...]
Health Tip: Prevent Frequent Nosebleeds
Nosebleeds can occur for many different reasons and usually they do not happen often for a person. However, for someone that does have nosebleeds often there are some tips in order to prevent that from happening. It is recommended to run a humidifier in the air and to skip the NSAIDS as they can … [Read more...]
Surgery Not the Answer for Most Back Pain, Sports Doctor Says
If you have back pain many people believe that the answer is surgery but that might be the case for most back pain according to one sports doctor. The first step to treating your back pain is understand the back pain. To learn more about what you can do instead of surgery when it comes to back pain, … [Read more...]
Smoking a pack a day causes 150 mutations in every lung cell, research shows
Are you a smoker or do you know someone who is? While we all know that smoking is not good for you but there is much more to it than that. Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day can cause 150 different mutations in every lung cell. To learn more about this study, read more in this article. Smoking a … [Read more...]
How deadly is air pollution?
THe video in this blog talks about air solutions cause 3 million in deaths. And in China over a million , india 600 thousand, World Health Org says that it increases chances stroke cancer or heart attacks. In particular low income countries have it worse compared to us where only 38 thousand are … [Read more...]
Dinner with TV may be a recipe for less healthy meals
This article in particular talks about how the enjoyment level of the meal is measured to be less when the individual is engaged in watching tv versus the individuals who leave the TV off. Chances are those families who watch tv engage less with their children and have a higher rate for obesity. … [Read more...]
New Study Suggests An Egg A Day Lowers Stroke Risks
One breakfast staple has always been eggs and actually there is good news for those that eat eggs. The protein in eggs are found to reduce blood pressure and lower stress and inflammation. However, you have to keep in mind that this is all in moderation and the study shows that just one egg a day … [Read more...]
Bomb detecting technology can be used for early dementia diagnosis
What do you know about dementia? Many of us know very little about it outside of the effect that it leaves on loved ones but a new research has been done using technology that is out of this world. In fact, they have been using a technique for detecting improvised explosive devices to identify … [Read more...]
Here’s Why Health Care Costs So Much
Do you ever wonder why health care costs so much even if you have a plan through your employer? If you feel this way, then you are certainly not alone. Insurance premiums are only going to increase, this includes for both the employer funded premiums and the insurance through the marketplace. One … [Read more...]
Hundreds of American kids are suddenly paralyzed, and doctors still don’t know why
A mother’s biggest fear is something happening to their child. This mother found her toddler suddenly paralyzed and now she is on a mission to solve this medical mystery. The terrifying truth was that no one knew what was happening to her son. To learn more about what this mother is fighting and … [Read more...]
Health Tip: Learn About Vitamin C
When it comes to your immune system there is one vitamin that you should always use as your first line of defense. Vitamin C is known for its immune-boosting qualities but it can also do many other things. It can help to grow or repair bodily tissues as well as protect against heart disease. To … [Read more...]
Cinnamon has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties
Cinnamon is a favorite when it comes to the holiday but did you know that a little bit of sprinkle with cinnamon on your food can make your stomach healthier. It will cool your stomach down according to new research. It gets even better the spice is also known to have anti-bacterial and … [Read more...]
Adding eggs to salad can increase Vitamin E absorption
Vitamin E is one of the nutrients the american diet is lacking most. Adding a whole egg to your foods though, is said to boost the amount of vitamin E our body absorbs through vegetables, according to Purdue University. Researchers in a study found when participants comsumed 3 whole eggs in their … [Read more...]
Possible cause of chronic inflammation identified
Do you know someone that has diabetes? Do they have chronic inflammation? If you are like most people then you either have diabetes or you know someone that has. In fact, the number of people that have diabetes has increased worldwide over the last twenty years and a new study has been done for the … [Read more...]
When to Take Your Vitamins: Timing is Key to Effectiveness
Taking your daily vitamins is a great step towards a healthier body. Although, if you dont take them right you may not be getting the full benefits. For example, taking magnesium with food can help with side effects like diarrhea. Also, calcium can help with muscle relaxation if taken in the … [Read more...]
Vitamins And Minerals- Benefits Of A Healthy Diet
Do you know why it is important to have a balanced diet? Most of us know it is important to have a healthy diet but not why. In fact, the main reason that there are so many different foods on a diet is the absorption of minerals and vitamins, these are considered your protection. To find out more … [Read more...]
Worried well ‘might boost heart risk’
High anxiety and stress can cause you to be at a higher risk for heart risk.. the research conducted concluded that anxiety and stress can trigger unhealthy habits, such as smoking or eating badly, which put you at greater risk of heart disease. the research concluded that "While we don't know if … [Read more...]
Exercise May Prevent Age Related Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is a major issue that impacts approximately two thirds of all people over the age of 70. Fortunately, scientists have found a way to help ward off this unfortunate sign of aging. After researching the effects of an exercise regimen on mice scientists have witnessed that living a less … [Read more...]
USDA Approves Genetically Engineered Potatoes
NBC News takes an in-depth look at genetically engineered food. The USDA which stands for the United States Department of Agriculture, has recently approved the growing of genetically engineered potatoes. There are several reasons for the desire to grow genetically engineered food including the fact … [Read more...]
Smoking And The Immune System: Nicotine Causes An Increased Inflammatory Response
Smoking is bad for you and is not a new idea. Nicotine in tobacco is known to cause inflammation. Inflammation is how the body fights off an attack. The higher amount of inflammation the morethe more the body the body acts to counteract the stimuli. Smoking And The Immune System: Nicotine … [Read more...]
Men’s long working hours, short sleep may harm health in old age
Men who work more than 50 hours a week and sleep less than 47 hours, in midlife, have a higher chance of health problems later in life. There have been several studies since the early 1900's looking at these behaviors. The effects of long work created problems later in retirement age men. … [Read more...]
Is This Vitamin the Fountain of Youth?
Unfortunately, we are born with optimum NAD+ levels, but this amount dramatically decreases with each decade as we age, falling to dangerously low levels by the time we reach age 60 and beyond. Maintaining a more youthful metabolism could mean a higher resting metabolic rate, resistance to weight … [Read more...]
Alarming rise in drugged driving deaths alerts U.S. regulators
The percentage of fatal car crashes in which at least one driver tested drug-positive has nearly doubled over the past ten years, raising concerns among state and federal regulators. More research is needed on several fronts including further study of the effects of marijuana on driving but to … [Read more...]
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