Chlorophyll has recently been shown to be the best agent at preventing body odors and smells. While people spend so much money a year trying to smell nice, or cover up unpleasant odor, chlorophyll removes those smells before your body emits them. For instance, parsley has long been known to reduce bad breath when you eat it, but only recently has the link to chlorophyll being the active agent been established.
Key Takeaways:
- Chlorophyll appears to cleanse your body from the inside out, eliminating not just bad breath but general body odor as well
- The breath-freshening properties of parsley, for example, have been explained in part by those leaves’ high concentrations of chlorophyll.
- Rather than spending hundreds of dollars a year on deodorants, antiperspirants, breath mints and mouthwash, why not just up the leafy vegetable content of your diet? Study after study has shown that chlorophyll — the chemical that makes plants green and allows them to tap sunlight to power their cells — is one of the most potent deodorizers known.
“Study after study has shown that chlorophyll — the chemical that makes plants green and allows them to tap sunlight to power their cells — is one of the most potent deodorizers known.”