CBD can help regulate vital functions within our body. CBD can improve gut health because it stimulates the CB1 receptors that are located within our gastrointestinal tract. This allows for stomach acid to be reduced as well as lowering nausea symptoms. CBD can also improve our metabolism as it helps convert white fat cells to brown fat cells which help us burn more calories and break down more fat. Finally, CBD can help improve stress as it works to lower our anxiety and improve our overall stress response.
Key Takeaways:
- CBD can help improve our gut health as they stimulate the CB1 receptors that are located within our gastrointestinal tract.
- CBD can also improve our metabolism as it works to break down fats and improve the amount of calories we can burn.
- CBD helps with stress control as well because it can help lower our stress response and also regenerate neurons.
“Homeostasis is an organism’s ability to maintain a stable internal environment in order to function optimally.”
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