Bananas are a staple food in many cultures and cuisines all over the world. And with good reason, as they're packed in nutrients and energy. As a result, green banana flour is an ingredient that has gained popularity in Western markets as well. And, science has shown that there are benefits to consuming it, especially in aiding digestive health. Consuming this flour can reduce insulin sensitivity, aid stomach microbes, and create a host of other positive digestive impacts.
Key Takeaways:
- Bananas are eaten as a critical part of the diet in cultures all over the world.
- Now, they're making their way to Western tables, including green banana flour.
- One of the benefits of this flour is that it can increase digestive health and promote healthy gut microbes.
“Another bonus to the green banana flour and other forms of resistant starch is that it helps form good bacteria in the gut. This good bacteria helps protect the cells.”
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