Milk thistle is a good source of silymarin
The liver helps process and store minerals, fat-soluble vitamins, folate, and glucose/glycogen which aid in the body’s normal homeostasis. Substances affecting blood clotting, protein transportation, cholesterol production, blood sugar, and bile components are synthesized efficiently by the liver. It stores glucose and release them when a person is hungry. Albumin, a blood protein, is also produced by the liver. Bile that aids in the absorption of dietary fats and digestion is produced by liver hepatocytes. Cholesterol is also processed via the liver for elimination.
Silymarin is renowned for its detoxifying properties. Aside from stimulating the liver to produce new cells, it protects and repair damage on existing cells. It helps fight cancer growth and can also prohibit the big C from metastizing to other organs. Patients suffering from insulin-resistant diabetes can also benefit largely from silymarin as it helps strengthen the liver in handling excessive amounts of insulin.
In addition to silymarin in milk thistle, two notable ingredients are becoming more popular among alternative health circles these days – dandelion and artichoke. These two are continually being hailed as “liver power foods” which can greatly compliment silymarin in regulating, protecting and enhancing liver protection and functions.
Artichokes, on the other hand, contain cynarin. Like Silymarin and taraxacin, this phytochemical aid in liver protection and speedy regeneration. It promotes production and flow of bile from the gallbladder. Bile is important in digesting, breaking down and flushing poisonous toxins and/or medications out of your system. This capability makes artichokes a significant component in detoxification and protection as well as in promoting optimal liver function.
Imagine combining the power of silymarin, taraxacin and cynarin. By complimenting silymarin intake with artichoke and dandelion (raw or extract), the liver can be optimized to function normally. With these three substances in the body, liver protection and regeneration are thereby guaranteed for better well-being.
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