Celery seeds have been used for thousands of years in countries such as India. Since the celery seed has high antioxidant levels, it works as an anti-inflammatory. They have also been shown to eliminate uric acid so they can help fight off urinary tract infections. They also have been shown to fight … [Read more...]
Friendly bacteria helps to improve your digestive system
The body contains a large amount of friendly bacterial cells that reside in the digestive system. They are called microflora. Probiotics make them healthy and perfectly balanced. Most of the new medical studies suggest that good bacteria in the gut can assist the body fight the bad ones which are … [Read more...]
Enhance Your Immune Defences through Good Digestion
Your immune system protects you from a number of harmful microorganisms including bacteria, toxins and viruses as front line defense. But most of these microorganisms also affect your digestive system adversely. One has to face them round the clock throughout his life as most of the food items … [Read more...]