Dietary fiber, normally unidentified for its health benefits, has obtained lot of attention now. It is highly accepted like having an important role in decreasing blood cholesterol, thus reducing the danger of coronary heart disease and assisting to reduce number of bowel disorders. Soluble and … [Read more...]
The Governments Definition of What Constipation Looks Like, You Got To Be Kidding Me
The U.S. Department Of Health and Human Services, National Digestive Diseases Info. defines constipation as when one has a bowel movement fewer than 3 times per week. IMO, if you are not going at least once per day, you have a case of constipation! In a perfect world we should have 2 - 3 bowel … [Read more...]
How psyllium fiber cleanse the Colon
Psyllium Husk Fiber Holistically speaking, medical practitioners have associated colon problems with accumulation of toxic substances in the colon. Just like the skin and lungs, the colon tries to eliminate these substances. However, we can enhance this bowel activity by increasing stool … [Read more...]
Why Should I Take Psyllium Husk Fiber?
Psyllium Husk fiber Psyllium husks fiber comes from the seed of plant plantago.Psyllium husks has several advantages and the major one is to aid in digestion. Here are some of the benefits of taking Psyllium husks fiber daily. • Weight control Psyllium husks fiber helps in weight control. It … [Read more...]