Lots of people have pours, which can be very large. People with both oily and dry skin may have pours which are large and do not shrink, even when using more expensive commercial products. Two ingredient mixtures can be used to make a paste at home to shrink your pours. Two ingredient options include the options of: lemon juice and egg whites, tomato and lemon juice, rosewater, and cucumber, pineapple and lemon juice, or almond and lemon juice. These paste options are applied to the skin to shrink pours.
Key Takeaways:
- Make a paste with egg white and lemon juice and use as mask for your face. This will help you get rid of excess oil from your face and help you shrink the pores.
- Soak almond over night. Next morning, grind the almond and add lemon juice. Apply to your face. This is another good mask for shrinking your pores.
- Pineapple juice and lemon juice will be another good solution for shrinking pores. Pineapple has enzyme and lemon juice’s acidity helps clean your skin.
“Lots of people have big pores. This is with all kinds, oily as well as dry skin. But those with greasy T zone suffer the most. Such pores get all the dirt of the air and make the skin bumpy.”