Infections of the urinary tract are mainly caused by Ecoli bacteria even though other microorganisms and parasites can also cause the problem. More than thirty to forty percent of women suffer from bladder infections over the course of their lifetime. Women are likely to suffer from these infections more than men. This is due in part to their shorter urethras. Men have reduced chances of infection due to their longer urethras and the bacterial growth inhibitor that their prostate gland injects directly into their urinary systems.
Natural Bladder Infection Remedies:
One of the natural remedies of bladder infections is drinking cranberry juice. It helps promote a healthy bacterial flora in the urinary tract. However, many studies do not mention the fact that cranberry juice contains high amounts of fructose. This is a simple sugar that can cause certain health problems.
When you drink cranberry juice to treat bladder infections, you trade your good urinary system health for blood sugar instability, increased levels of uric acid and stress on your liver. Cranberry juice is therefore not completely beneficial for dealing with this condition.
The better solution to treating bladder infections is D-mannose. This is the active ingredient found in cranberry juice and is available in tablet form. This ingredient can be derived from apples, peaches and berries among other plants. Pure D-mannose is ten to fifty times stronger than cranberry juice. It is completely safe to use since it is not known to cause any adverse side effect.
D-mannose helps cure more than half of all urinary tract infections within one to two days. It is a naturally occurring sugar that is closely related to glucose. The human body even produces D-mannose in small quantities. D-mannose works better than cranberry juice for bladder infections since it does not produce the metabolic stresses associated with fructose.
The body metabolizes only small amounts of D-mannose and it therefore does not interfere with the regulation of blood sugar. You can even give mannose to children who are prone to bladder infections on a daily basis as a preventative. Because it is odorless and flavorless it can be put directly into water and consumed by children or adults with out any complaints.
What is stopping you from taking D-mannose for bladder inefections?
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