Incontinence is the inability of the body to control excretions. Holding urine within the bladder or keeping feces within the rectum are forms of incontinence. It is in those terms many are not accustomed to. Conditions that affect this complication cause the uncontrolled release of … [Read more...]
Why does urinary frequency increase as we age?
Some age related changes such as wrinkles and gray hair are obvious but others happen inside the body hence not easily noticeable. Understanding these changes will help you to know how to cope with your aging body. A common concern among aging people is why they experience an increased urinary … [Read more...]
Causes and Treatment of Enuresis
Enuresis also known as bedwetting or urinary incontinence is a common condition especially among young children which is often a sign of an immature, developing bladder. About 15% of children over 3 years and 10% over 5 wet their bed occasionally. Though the exact cause of enuresis is unknown, the … [Read more...]
Why D-mannose Over Cranberry For Bladder Infections? What You Should Know
Infections of the urinary tract are mainly caused by Ecoli bacteria even though other microorganisms and parasites can also cause the problem. More than thirty to forty percent of women suffer from bladder infections over the course of their lifetime. Women are likely to suffer from these infections … [Read more...]