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For Good Health And Wellness
Our body in all its perfections still has an equal amount of imperfections as well. With its day to day functions it needs a lot more than just the food we eat. It needs a lot more than carbohydrates, protein or fats and it even needs more than just the vitamins in the food we eat. Our body is complicated that way, it is able to do complex actions and maintain it without a lot of supervision but sometimes it needs sustenance and a lot of that will indeed come from the nutrients mentioned above but in addition to those it also needs minerals to help with other parts of the body that vitamins alone will not be able to support well enough. So in this article we look at what minerals are all about and why it is needed by the body to maintain good health.
Minerals in our body help maintain the health of our teeth, bones and nails just to name a few. Minerals are essential to our body’s various glands as it helps them with its secretions and it also helps regulate the balance of liquid in the body. There are different types of minerals out there and too many to mention all of them in this article but for us to really have a clear glimpse of why it is important to the body it is wise to look at a couple of important once and what it does.
Among all the minerals in the body this is probably the most popular of them. Its main function is to maintain bone health however it is equally important to our teeth as well. It aids in muscle contraction and also has a role on any bleeding and swelling in the body. The lack of calcium in the body can cause bone brittleness among others.
This mineral is essential for cells and muscles and to help with its elasticity, if you are an athlete you may have been a victim of cramps and if you remember and if your coach was any good he would tell you to eat bananas and the reason is potassium as it is abundant in this fruit. Other sources are tomatoes, radish, garlic and guava.
This metal is important for hemoglobin maintenance and helps transmit oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. That is the reason why in an instance of heavy menstrual flow in women they are prescribed to take extra iron as to replace the loss of red blood cells quicker.
This is another element that is also important for the bones and teeth and the proper functions of muscles. That is the reason why there are supplements out there that are a combination of calcium and magnesium for bone strengthening.
These are all reasons why we need to make sure that we take in foods that are rich not only in vitamins but in minerals as well. And if we do not have time to worry about what food we eat then supplementation should be considered.
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