Colon cancer begins with small benign clumps of cells called polyps inside the wall of the colon.
Triphala is a natural supplement derived from combining fruits from three different types of trees which are native to the Middle East and India. These fruits are first dried, and then ground into powder after which they are blended as per the Ayurveda traditions. The three fruits included in Triphala are Bihala, Amla and Harada.
The colon is a very important part of the body. It helps in the elimination of waste materials and other toxic materials from the body. It is also in the colon where water is absorbed back in to the body and also sodium ions which is important in maintaining the electrolyte balance. If there is a problem in the colon, it could result in the accumulation of toxic materials which could result in many health problems. It is therefore very important to ensure that the colon is functioning optimally in terms of facilitating bowel movement.
Triphala has been found to be effective in fostering the functioning of the colon. The combination of the fruits from three trees makes Triphala an effective laxative. Triphala has a high level of vitamin C, biflavonoids, phospholipids and linoleic oil. These ingredients help to improve the bowel movement process.
According to Ayurveda traditions, Triphala was considered to be tridoshic rasayan which plays a role in balancing the three crucial elements which are pitta, kapha and vata. These are the three elements that control the human life. On top of cleaning the colon, Triphala stimulates the secretion of bile which improved the digestion process and at the same time cleaning the liver.
It is important to note that when nerves in the gastro intestinal tract fail to function properly, one is at risk of suffering from various health conditions e.g. irritable bowel syndrome. In today medicine, doctors will usually prescribe prokinetics drugs to deal with the condition. In a recent research whose finding were published in the Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, it was established that Triphala is as effective as prokinetic drugs only that it does not come with side effects.
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