There are so many diets out there these days. It can overwhelm anyone who wants to start one. There is just too much information to go through and a lot of it is conflicting. This talks about five good diets that really work. That's not too many so you can look at them and choose one without feeling … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism and Burn More Calories
Here's welcome news: You may have inherited your mom's slow-mo metabolism, but you’re not stuck with it. New research shows you can trick your body into burning calories more efficiently, especially if you hit the gym. By strength-training just a couple of times a week, for example, you’ll reverse … [Read more...]
Faster Hair Growth Helping Vitamin B Rich Foods
The health of the hair can only be improved by eating the right kind of foods. Hair requires proteins and nutrients to be strong and healthy and free from split ends and dandruff. Therefore, always make sure to eat a balanced nutritious food. The growth of hair can be hastened by eating foods that … [Read more...]
What to Do If You Think You’re Having a Heart Attack
The heart-related deaths of such celebrities as "Star Wars" actress Carrie Fisher, singer-songwriter George Michael and actor Bernard Fox are a powerful reminder that everyone should know the symptoms of serious heart problems, the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) said. People need to … [Read more...]
Bacteria in your mouth may trigger arthritis
According to a report in Science Translational Medicine, bacteria in the mouth that causes gum infections could possibly trigger the autoimmune inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The bacteria, known as Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, is the common denominator in both gum disease and … [Read more...]
askST: Is eating instant noodles harmful to our health?
College kids love quick and easy, and that is why they turn to instant noodles. While that may be easy, they aren't healthy. Although instant noodles is a convenient and delicious food, there could be an increased risk for metabolic syndrome given the food's high sodium, unhealthy saturated fat and … [Read more...]
Vitamin D discovery could prove key to new treatments for metabolic disorders and certain cancers
Doctors have known that low levels of vitamin D are linked to certain kinds of cancers as well as to diabetes and asthma, but new research also shows that the vitamin can kill human cancer cells. Researchers took human breast cancer cells and treated them with a potent form of vitamin D. Within a … [Read more...]
Dairy industry monopolists pushing to criminalize “milk” label for all nut milks
The dairy industry is looking to criminalize the milk label for all nut milks. If it is not made with cow's milk, then they want to get rid of the word milk, because they feel like they will lose money if it does not change. There is a bill proposed that will actually help the diary industry. … [Read more...]
UK cancer rates to rise faster among women than men: charity
Cancer rates in the United Kingdom are rising faster among women than it is men. This will happen within the next two decades. This is according to data released by a research center. The increase has been linked to things like obesity and smoking as well as drinking alcohol. The risk for ling … [Read more...]
National Intelligence Council Report warns that genetic engineering poses unprecedented threat to the world
The National Intelligence Council warns that use of genetic engineering to modify human anatomy will cause so many differences between peoples of varied nations that it will be hard to find a common ground. Especially when some nations are able to perform germ line modifications that can enhance a … [Read more...]
Big Pharma propaganda seeks to deliberately misinform doctors who over-prescribe dangerous drugs for profit
One of the most controversial industry in the world is pharmaceuticals. These companies profit off the sickness and needs of others, and at the end of the day report to their shareholders. This has led to propaganda being spread about the price of drugs. They are looking to target doctors too in … [Read more...]
Chemicals found in one-third of fast food packaging, report finds
A recent study found that one-third of fast food packaging contained fluorinated chemicals, or PFASs, likely used in the packaging for their grease-repellant properties. The most studied fluorinated chemicals have been linked to testicular and kidney cancers and hormonal problems. While those … [Read more...]
Antibiotics can boost bacterial reproduction
Researchers at the University of Exeter have discovered that bacteria receive powerful benefits when exposed to antibiotics. They subjected E.coli bacteria to eight rounds of antibiotic treatment and found that not only did the bacteria display increased antibiotic resistance after each round, but … [Read more...]
Anti-inflammatory diet could reduce risk of bone loss in women
Anti-inflammatory diets — which tend to be high in vegetables, fruits, fish and whole grains — could boost bone health and prevent fractures in some women, a new study suggests. Researchers examined data from the landmark Women’s Health Initiative to compare levels of inflammatory elements in the … [Read more...]
Seven vitamins to improve memory
We all have had those times where we felt like we were losing our minds! For instance "Where are my sunglasses?" and the response "They are on top of your head." Well a new scientific study had given us a way to improve our memory! All you may have to do is change around your diet to make sure you … [Read more...]
Kentucky looks to hemp as cash crop
Most people think of hemp plants as purely marijuana plants or that it is just some kind of drug. This couldn't be further from the truth, help is known for making things such as rope, paper, fabric, carpet and many other items. Kentucky is one of the largest recorded states as far as growing hemp, … [Read more...]
The 5 Most Common Sleep Issues (and How to Find Relief)
Sleep is vital and important for everyone. However, not all the time is it easy to obtain. There is no shame in looking for something to help you sleep. After all our bodies need sleep to recuperate and recover from the day to day things that happen throughout. Here you can find out what could be … [Read more...]
France Bans Free Soda Refills in Attack on Obesity
In its continued efforts to keep obesity rates low, France has issued a ban on free soda refills in all French restaurants. This joins other French efforts to limit consumption of sugary sodas, including a tax on sodas, and elimination of vending machines from schools. France has the lowest obesity … [Read more...]
Inflammation Served with Every Meal
Food is more than just the need to acquire energy, it also involves the consumption of significant quantities of bacteria. The body is then faced with the job of distributing glucose to cells in the bloodstream and then confronting hostile bacteria. Researchers from the University Hospital Basel … [Read more...]
Grocery store hemp seeds could become Schedule I controlled substances under new DEA power grab
Many people are excited for Trump as President because of his promise to put limits on government power. One of his focuses of his war on power seems to be the government’s obsession with outlawing hemp products. Recently, the government made all cannabinoid products a Schedule I drug, which makes … [Read more...]
Is too much sleep a bad thing? Evidence says there’s a healthful limit
Nearly everyone knows that not getting enough sleep is a bad thing. However, did you know that getting too much sleep can be bad too? Studies show that seven to nine hours of sleep per night is the best for you, but it can take months or years for adverse health effects to show up if you are not in … [Read more...]
Know your cholesterol ratio to prevent heart disease risk
Do you know your cholesterol? Did you know that your cholesterol (often referred to as total cholesterol) is actually made up of two different numbers added together? Bel Marra Health takes a look at that ratio between your so called good cholesterol (HDL) and your bad cholestrol (LDL) to … [Read more...]
Are you safe from America’s #1 killer?
Bel Marra Health wants to know if America, and more importantly you, is prepared to defend itself against the number one killer of American adults: heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among all adults, basically across every race, gender, or any other category that you could … [Read more...]
Researchers Discover Molecule to Fight Antibiotic-Resistant Superbug
Antibiotic resistance has become a fast growing problem in recent years and the world now faces the prospect of superbugs that are immune to current antibiotic medications. Researchers, however, have recently discovered an important molecule that may lead to the creation of new treatment methods … [Read more...]
Diabetes is on the rise
Possibly one of the great, and greatly under-reported, epidemics of the early portion of the twenty first Century has to be diabetes. CNN Health takes a look at a disease that is currently affecting approximately four hundred twenty two million people worldwide. What can possibly be done to slow … [Read more...]
Kids still drink a lot of sugar, study says
Although overall health trend seem to be pointing in positive directions overall, there is one key are that is bucking the trend, and may predict health problems for future generations. Two out of every children are currently drinking at least one sugary beverage per day. Find out what can be done … [Read more...]
‘Soft drinks are the new cigarettes’
I am living proof; soft drinks are the most addictive substance out there. It does contain caffeine which is classified as a drug. If you try and withdraw from soft drinks, just like alcohol or any other drug, you must do it slowly. If you go cold turkey, caffeine withdrawal is uncomfortable and can … [Read more...]
Cold remedies: What works, what doesn’t, what can’t hurt
There are a number of cold remedies that can help to alleviate the suffering people experience when suffering from a cold. Some of these include rest, staying hydrated, saline nose spray. These may not help to shorten or cure a cold. Sometimes, over the counter remedies help to ease suffering. One … [Read more...]
Antibiotics, not dirt, fostered hospital bugs: study
It has long been thought that antibiotics cause problems if they are overused. This is just more evidence of that. Antibiotics can make people resistant because they build up in the body and then they won't help if someone gets sick. It's important to know about this so you can protect yourself … [Read more...]
Norovirus Causes Widespread Misery Across U.S.
Many people are sick in the US these days with the Norovirus. This is an opportunistic virus causing nausea, throwing up and diarrhea. It is highly contagious and seems to spread through groups of people who are confined to close spaces. In one high school more than 1,000 students have caught the … [Read more...]
Fixes: If Sugar Is Harmless, Prove It
Sugar is natural but can still harm if it is consumed too often. All we need to do is look at the rise in diabetes to see that. There are other health risks attributed to it as well. If you don't believe sugar harms definitely check this out so you can learn more about it. Fixes: If Sugar Is … [Read more...]
Does losing and gaining weight repeatedly lead to obesity?
Have the new years resolution to loose weight? Not so fast. You may want to rethink your goals for this year. Loosing weight is a great idea, but what's needed is the long term goal to maintain your healthy new weight. Studies suggest when the weight comes back it can come back as more fat than … [Read more...]
Brutal Stomach Flu Hits Communities Across the Country
Rotovirus is spreading! One school in IL had to close it's doors due to more than 1000 students being sick. After cleaning with bleach all the schools in the district they are hoping it doesn't strike again. The virus is highly contagious, with no vaccine. It is continuing to spread across the … [Read more...]
Tips to keep your family healthy, happy this winter
Colder temperatures can make it more difficult to be happy, but there are ways to help fend off the winter blues. First of all, fruits and vegetables will make you feel better. It can be difficult to find good sources of fruits and vegetables in the winter, so you should turn to root vegetables that … [Read more...]
Can prostate cancer metastasis be stopped before it starts?
Cancer itself is not usually the cause of death in patients. Often, it is metastasis of the cancer to more vital parts of the body that causes mortality. A recent study has found that microRNAs can be used to regular tumor growth. So far, it has been studied on prostate cancer. They are hoping to be … [Read more...]
Why You Should Pretty Much Never Buy Salad Dressing at the Grocery Store
With so many dressing options at the store, it’s hard to know what the best option is. Even if you spend an hour looking at the nutrition labels, you may not know what to look for. Many are made with olive oil vinaigrettes, while extra virgin olive oil would be the best choice. Many people look for … [Read more...]
Top 6 Health Benefits of Mushrooms
There are many health benefits associated with the consumption of mushrooms. With over ten thousand varieties of this fungus - it's important to know the best ways to adapt these into one's diet. Here are six of the some of the most prevalent benefits one could expect to potentially receive just … [Read more...]
February is American Heart Month
America suffers from a large number of deaths from heart disease and other heart related deaths. What most people do not understand is all the issues that can arise form a bad diet. It plays a major role in heart health. February is heart month; it is dedicated to teaching people the importance of … [Read more...]
Beware: US salmon may be crawling with Japanese tapeworm, say scientists
If you love salmon, you may want to heed the warnings researchers have just put out. They are warning that salmon that you get in America is crawling with Japanese tapeworms. You may want to consider the source of the fish you have been eating. These tapeworms can be very dangerous. Beware: US … [Read more...]
Oats beneficial for heart’s health; keeps check at cholesterol levels
If you love eating a nice bowl of oatmeal in the morning, then you may be saving your heart. New research shows that eating oats can play a major role making your heart a lot healthier. It can be a great way to protect your heart, make sure you start your morning with this. Oats beneficial for … [Read more...]
Processed AND contaminated: Twinkies recalled over possible salmonella concerns
Everyone loves a Twinkie, but what most people do not realize is that it is not even real food. It is filled with chemicals and horrible fillers. No there is even more concerns with these stuffed treats, it is salmonella. There are multiple supermarkets that are recalling these treats form their … [Read more...]
Don’t eat food from China labeled “organic” … it’s frequently found to be contaminated
Many people will buy organic food because it is supposed to be better for them. However, not all countries hold their organic food to the same standard as the U.S. China, for example, has much lower standards for what makes food organic. Activists state that there is no true system in place in China … [Read more...]
GMOs are not only dangerous but unnecessary-just look at India’s organic rice revolution
India’s “rice revolution” refers to a unique method that many Indian farmers have taken which allows farmers to grow rice using various planting methods and less water without any sort of pesticides, herbicides, or other synthetics—and producing world record amounts. It’s being found that naturally … [Read more...]
How To Tell If You’re Vitamin D Deficient
Vitamin D deficiency may be a larger problem than some people realize. Unfortunately, many of the signs don’t occur until it’s too late. Your Vit D level isn’t part of a normal physical, so you have to ask for it, but the ideal level is between 30-100 ng/mL. Sun exposure for about 10 minutes a … [Read more...]
MSG in food causes brain damage, obesity and other health risks
MSG is found in many packaged foods, such as canned soups. Some people are much more negatively affected by it, with signs such as migraines and dizziness, but it is considered GRAS. However, many studies have been conducted into the harmful nature of MSG, and the results aren’t good. MSG has … [Read more...]
Do you know that every meal you consume triggers inflammation? – Read
Every meal we consume activates the inflammatory aspect of our immune system. Food is a trigger for short term inflammation and immune system activation, which is why famine tends to be followed or accompanied by an increase in infectious diseases. Diabetes is a pathologic version of this … [Read more...]
If you show distinct signs of gut inflammation, you could be having diabetes
Diabetes affects many parts of the body and apparently the gut is just another one. I would never have thought to link the gut to diabetes but this information explains how it can be linked. If you have inflammation you should read this so you know what to look for. Diabetes is not something to take … [Read more...]
Sugar industry promotes obesity, diabetes and heart disease
For years the common saying was "a calorie is a calorie". New studies are showing sugar affects your bodies drastically different, than say, a steak. Sugar intake can lead to insulin resistance; another name for diabetes! It also has been linked to Alzheimer, heart disease, obesity, and cancer. … [Read more...]
Stomach virus shuts Illinois high school for second day
Closing a school for issues concerning the weather are common, but what one high school in Illinois is facing it an outbreak of the "stomach virus". There is still doing testing to find out if its an outbreak of the norovirus virus. The norovirus can last one to three days. The problem came to be … [Read more...]
Prunes may help prevent bone loss
As our population gets older a growing number of men and women will be diagnosed with osteoporosis and a search for potential non-pharmacological alternative therapies is increasing. Prunes may be their answer! Prunes are high in vitamin K and are a good source of fiber and copper. In addition, … [Read more...]
Pesticide linked to Parkinson’s disease being sold in US, already banned in Europe
There is pesticide that is being sold in the Usa and it has been linked to an increase risk of Parkinson's disease. It has already been banned in Europe. Paraquat has been a subject of controversy for a long time now. The toxic substance has been banned in Switzerland since 1989. China has also … [Read more...]
GMO apples that never brown could hit stores soon
Some consumers in the midwestern US will soon have access to golden delicious apple slices that will not brown. These genetically engineered (GE) apples are among the GE first apple crops approved for US production and consumption. The producers of this product believe the non-browning apples will … [Read more...]
High-Protein Diets: These are the risks you need to know
"High-Protein Diets: These are the risks you need to know" is an article that every dieter should look at before they decide to make that decision to take on a new diet. Many people go through varu=ious different diets and some aren't always better for an individual. This article helps one think … [Read more...]
Survival food calorie scams exposed by the Health Ranger: Are you buying genetically modified “filler” calories labeled as a “One Year Supply” of total junk?
With the rise of GMO’s is important to remember that some of these foods actually do provide a benefit to society as well as being able to use to help countries with shortages of foods. In the end it will be important to make sure that all humans have access to food. Survival food calorie scams … [Read more...]
News from the American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting: Cannabidiol Research Offers Hope for …
One of the most controversial topics is the use of marijuana products to cure ailments. There is some new news, several animal studies, as well as open-label and placebo-controlled trials have shown the potential that cannabidiol can have on reducing seizures, but still more research is needed to … [Read more...]
Psoriasis with arthritis linked to heart disease risk
If you have arthritis and a skin disease you may be at higher risk for heart disease. Arthritis that accompanies the skin condition psoriasis may also come with a higher risk of heart problems, according to a Hong Kong study. If you have both of these issues the medicine you take may interact, so … [Read more...]
Depression May Be As Bad For The Heart As Obesity
Depression can be as harmful as physical diseases. Studies showed that in middle aged Germen men, heart diseases are just as prevalent in men with depression as in men with other heart related physical diseases. It seems the heart and mind are even more connected than we imagined. More, larger … [Read more...]
Best foods for a healthy heart
Eating healthy is definitely a struggle these days with all of life's obstacles. Its a lot easier to run by the nearest burger joint for a quick indulge when hungry. We all know this is not healthy for our bodies and definitely not our heart. You should try to eat heart healthy foods daily and some … [Read more...]
Short Stretches of Exercise May Have Anti-Inflammatory Effect
Inflammation within the body is the result of the immune system defending the body from harm. This can, in turn, lead to enduring tissue damage, which can be linked to diabetes, obesity, and even heart disease. Fortunately, recent studies indicate that even moderate exercise can help reduce this … [Read more...]
More American farmers are ‘Certified Organic’ now than ever before
A lot of farmers in the United States are switching over to organically grown crops. Business have even had to import organically grown products because of the high demand. The farmers that have so far been unable to call their crops organic have been allowed to call their products transitional and … [Read more...]
15 tips to manage your appetite
One of the hardest parts about losing weight is having to eat less. Appetite is the desire to eat food but it’s not always due to hunger. Your appetite could be keeping you from the body you want. Making sure you get enough water and limit sugar intake are all ways to prevent you appetite from … [Read more...]
Scientists discover a way to avoid teeth fillings that proves teeth can be regrown
With medical discoveries advancing every day, it’s no surprise that the world of dental health is getting better. One of the biggest concerns when it comes to dentistry is putting minerals and chemicals into a patient’s mouth in the form of fillings. New research from England has shown promise in … [Read more...]
How To Eat Clean: 5 Nutrition Experts To Follow On Instagram
If your goal in the New Year is to get healthier, there are many fitness and diet experts on Instagram that can help you out. Angela Liddon is a nutritionist and author that loves carbs in her daily diet, while dietician Anne Mauney is a great person to follow if you need some help with fitness … [Read more...]
Superbugs now killing more Americans than breast cancer… the scourge of antibiotics continues
One of the biggest concerns for many is whether they will get cancer in their lifetime, however, our generation may need to be more worried about superbugs. According to the UK Sepsis Trust, superbugs has surpassed cancer in the numbers killed each year. It is estimated that the six major … [Read more...]
Save money, eat better with this winter produce
It can be hard to stick to a diet in the winter due to fresh produce being hard to come by. There are actually many fruits and vegetables that are in peak harvest during the winter months. Root veggies are one type that tend to be easy to get in the winter. Turnips are a very healthy form of this. … [Read more...]
The Easy 7-Day Fitness Plan Anyone Can Master
The focus this time of year is mostly on getting into shape. The Today Show is recognizing this by also putting a focus on physical fitness. They are encouraging everyone to add both cardio and strength training to their fitness routine. They also offer some ideas on moves that will help strengthen … [Read more...]
Ten horrifying ingredients that prove McDonald’s is not fit for consumption
If there is one thing Americans know, it’s fast food. However, there has always been controversy over what is really put into the food we buy from fast food establishments. McDonald’s in particular has been under fire for the ingredients they put in our food. Silicone oil, TBHQ, propylene glycol, … [Read more...]
Here’s how stress in your brain may cause heart troubles
These are stressful times and it can be affecting your health. Too much stress can cause many health problems and heart trouble is apparently one of them. This explains more about it. It's very informative and will make you think about your stressful routines. It's best to try to relax but of course … [Read more...]
The minerals that ensure a healthy life
Before going around taking a bunch of minerals you should do research so you know which are truly needed. It is actually possible to have too much of a mineral in your body so taking them randomly is not very smart. This tells about many of the important minerals we need so is helpful. The … [Read more...]
Your pee can now tell about your diet and health issues: must read
Your urine can tell a lot about your diet and how it is impacting your health. Doctors have been using urine to tell different things about people for years so this is nothing knew. There is really no shocking or innovative information written here. It's just the obvious stuff doctors have already … [Read more...]
Shop smart to fight cancer with this grocery list
Make a smart list!When doing shopping know that fresh produce is good at maintaining a healthy life especially when it comes to keeping cancer at bay.The secret is to look for those that are fibrous.Follow this by the grain and roughage.The minor daily inventory has also beans and peas ,coffe and to … [Read more...]
Study finds association between eating hot peppers and decreased mortality
Did you know eating hot peppers could make you live longer? That is right researchers at the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont, who found that consumption of hot red chili peppers is associated with a 13 percent reduction in total mortality. more than 16,000 Americans who were … [Read more...]
Fruits for healthy skin during winter
Is you skin suffering due to the cold winter? You might want to consume more fruit to help with that. Fruits provide vitamins and minerals that negate all related deficiency that can add to skin woes. The US Food Plate recommend that half of our plate should be fruits and vegetables. Grapefruits can … [Read more...]
Pink Himalayan Salt: What Are The Health Benefits And Risks To Consider?
There's an ongoing debate about the health benefits of Pink Himalayan salt, which comes from the Punjab region of Pakistan, versus regular table salt. If you want to know whether Pink Himalayan salt is better for you than traditional table salt you should read this article! Which one would you use … [Read more...]
This might be how stress and heart attacks are linked
Scientist have know that stress can effect your heart health but how and why? Activity in the amygdala, a region of the brain associated with fear and stress, can predict your risk for heart disease and stroke. A study also shown the amygdala links to the risk of subsequent cardiovascular disease. … [Read more...]
We’ve Declared War On Sugar But Salt Is Still Ruining Lives
While the focus of many is on limiting sugar, the number one culprit remains to be salt. According to new research from the British Medical Journal, Australians alone consume one and a half times the daily recommendation of salt. Heart attacks have become less daunting due to better healthcare, but … [Read more...]
Active kids less likely to be depressed later on
It shouldn’t come as a shock that kids who get more exercise tend to be less depressed. While mental health issues do not typically manifest until adolescence, the best time to work with your kids on becoming more active is when they are little. Studies found that kids who were moderately active as … [Read more...]
The Power Of Proper Nutrition In Your Daily Life
While you may not be worried about your health right now its a good thing to start earlier to secure good health in the future. With the proper nutrition you can stay in great health for the present and future. Eat more whole grains they are good for a healthy and balanced diet. Eating organic foods … [Read more...]
Experts Recommend 7-8 Hours of Sleep Each Day for Better Brain Health
Getting enough sleep can be very difficult. It is very importnat to get enough research as be research shows that 7-8 hour of sleep leads to better brain health. It will also help with stress and make you more aware during your work. Make sure you get enough deep sleep each night, it'll be worth … [Read more...]
Five little things you can do today to help you lose weight
Looking for ways to lose weight? Tried everything but that stubborn weight wont budge? Start by swapping your snacks out for fruit. Then Watch your portion sizes bigger portion sizes equal more calories your taking in each meal. Find exercises you enjoy doing. Exercising every day will help you lose … [Read more...]
Here’s How Much It Costs to Raise a Child These Days
Ever wonder how much its costing your wallet to raise your child now in days. Couples who had a child in 2015 will end up spending an average of $13,000 a year raising that child. That is a whopping 233,000 by the time the kid is 17. With diapers, cribs, high chairs, food and more you could be … [Read more...]
Chronic Headache Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency
Chronic headache is linked to vitamin D deficiency, according to a new study from the University of Eastern Finland. According to the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study, out of 2,600 men who were respondents of the research, majority of these men with low level of Vitamin D reported … [Read more...]
Many health benefits come from flax
Flaxseeds have been making headlines lately, as many vegans, food gurus and health-and-fitness websites proclaim them to be a kind of wonder-food. But, due to the fact that health-food fads often come and go faster than the seasons change, you may question whether flaxseeds are really as nutritional … [Read more...]
15 Science-Based Benefits of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for optimal health. Only a handful of foods contain significant amounts of this vitamin. These include fatty fish, organ meats, certain mushrooms and fortified foods. However, unlike other vitamins that you can only get through your diet, vitamin … [Read more...]
Carrot Juicing: 15 Benefits of Carrot Juice
Juicing is a health trend that has stood the test of time, most likely because it is an easy and fast way to supplement your diet with much needed vitamins and minerals.Carrot juice, especially, is a delicious way to add some nutrition to your daily diet, and enjoying a glass of the orange beverage … [Read more...]
High-fiber diet may help to cut inflammation caused by gout
Researches are at again and have found that if your eating a High-fiber diet this may induce the action of guy bacteria helping reduce inflammation associated with gout. They also said eating a high-fiber diet can help with the treatment of arthritis. Gout is a metabolic disease in which monosodium … [Read more...]
3 secrets to maintaining a healthy weight forever
People want to lose weight, and if they successfully lose it, it may be hard for them to keep it off. However, simply dieting will not help you lose weight and keep it off. You have to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to maintain your healthy weight, and there are three ways you can do it. … [Read more...]
The real reason you can’t lose weight
As a woman, it can be easy to blame an inability to lose weight on factors such as hormones and slow metabolism. However, the real reason why women have trouble losing weight is because they are consuming too much junk food. To narrow it down, there are several types of junk food that are … [Read more...]
5 Surprising Things We Learned About Sugar in the Past Year
There are five things about sugar that we learned in 2016. The first is that its effects have been overlooked for decades. The second is that consuming too much sugar can lead to diabetes. The third is its relation to diseases such as heart disease and cancer. It is also hidden in products that … [Read more...]
Is the gluten-free diet right for you? 4 questions to ask yourself
Some people choose the gluten-free diet because they may have an intolerance, or they choose it because they have been diagnosed with celiac disease. However, others are choosing it simply because it can pose as a low-carb diet. Niki Kubiak argues that diets such as the gluten-free diet are … [Read more...]
Preventing Alzheimer’s begins on your plate
'The Record' begins its discussion on Alzheimer's and how to prevent it by giving us an overview of the failures Alzheimer's drugs have had in delaying the disease's progression and/or preventing it altogether. Moving forward, the suggestion that a healthy diet can help more than supplements or … [Read more...]
Stimulants in the drinks takes longer to absorb in the over-50s
Are you over 50 years old, and do you drink things with caffeine or other stimulants? They could be taking longer to absorb in your body. This article talks more about that. This could be affecting your moods and your sleep. It is a good read because it can make you rethink your drink choices. … [Read more...]
If you live near busy roads you may get this brain disorder
I have lived near busy roads my entire life and have never heard of this. It's very interesting because so many I know could be affected. There are highways and busy roads everywhere. This is definitely something I now want to do more research on. Reading this has brought it to my attention and I'm … [Read more...]
Life-enhancing Reasons For Including Fish In Your Diet
Fish which is both low in calories and high in protein, should be a part of a healthy diet. It's high in Omega-3 fatty acids which is important for brain function, it is also a good source of vitamin D. The benefits range from promoting healthy skin, improving depressive disorders and even help … [Read more...]
4 Facts You Should Know About How Alcohol Affects Your Heart
I know a lot of us like drinking at least once in a while but there are some facts you may need to know about how alcohol affects your heart. Alcohol can affect medicines that you may be on for your health. Overindulging in alcohol can lead to a irregular heartbeat. This is called atrial … [Read more...]
Many Misuse OTC Sleep Aids: Survey
Are you Addicted to sleep? Insomnia and sleepless nights take a toll on our body. When we can't take the late nights anymore we turn to over-the-counter sleep aids. However, are those sleep aids we take every night before bed really giving us a restful night, or are we putting ourselves at risk for … [Read more...]
Office exercise: Add more activity to your workday
Finding time to exercise can be a challenge when you also work full time. Instead of skipping exercise because you don't have time to go to the gym, you can incorporate movement into your workday. Something as simple as changing your commute so that you walk a little farther, or standing part of the … [Read more...]
Health Tip: Get Enough Vitamin C
Do you want to protect yourself and your family from sniffles and colds this winter? According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics one of the best things you can do is consume more Vitamin C. In addition to helping the body repair itself, Vitamin C is also good for absorbing excess iron. For … [Read more...]
These Foods Aren’t Genetically Modified but They Are ‘Edited’
Food will change again over the next few years with lots of foods being Genetically Altered. In the next few years we could see potatoes that don`t turn brown or soy beans that have a healthier mix of fatty acids. These foods are called Gene-edited instead of genetically modified. Gene-edited is … [Read more...]
Flu Season is Getting Worse, CDC Says
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicts this year's flu season will be worse than last year's. Washington state, Idaho, California, Oregon, and parts of the mid-Atlantic states and the northeast have been the hardest hit areas so far, according to the CDC's report. Flu kills 4000 to … [Read more...]
Personal Health: Hooked on Our Smartphones
The article basically argues the case for using our cell phones less. There's a statistic mentioned in the article that we actually check our smartphones on average 150 times a day. That's extremely excessive. The article points out how this technology has its usefulness but is interfering in our … [Read more...]
Report: US cancer deaths down 25% since 1991
Even though cancer is still the leading cause of death in the United States things are starting to look more positive. Cancer deaths are down 25% in recent years. Some factors that are responsible for this are because of a reduction in smoking and an increase in early detection. This is great news … [Read more...]
Flu Season is Getting Worse, CDC Says
Flu season is here and it's getting worse . Flu is the most widespread illness across the united States of America. It's very busy and hospital s have been at full max capacity . Which they say is not uncommon . The flu usually hits the youngest and the oldest and kills between 4 to 50 thousands … [Read more...]
Immune System Reboots During Sleep
Sleep, and the lack of it, hits the body in all sorts of ways. This blogger notes a recent study done to evaluate the role of sleep and it's impact on the body's production of T-cells, the white blood cells so important to fighting off germs and illness. Researchers found that T-cell levels fall … [Read more...]
Moving from New Year’s Resolutions to Setting Intentions: 5 Tips to Help You Start
All of us are guilty of breaking our New Year's resolutions and according to this blogger we do so because we are simply vague in the promises we keep to ourselves. By making resolutions that we actually stick with we should be intentional about it, specific about it, and most importantly our … [Read more...]
Does Living Near Major Roads Boost Dementia Risk?
Medical science has found a link between an increased risk of dementia and those who live in the vicinity of heavy traffic or a major roadway. No firm explanation for how traffic increases one's risk for developing dementia is given but the study was quite large (6.6 million involved) and numerous … [Read more...]
Lawsuit in U.S. says Coca-Cola downplays risks of sugary drinks
Everyone knows that sugar is bad for you and that you should limit your intake. It surely doesn't help when the companies are completely don playing the amount of sugar you are actually drinking. Coca-Cola is currently going through a lawsuit because they downplayed the amount of sugar that is … [Read more...]
Give peanut to babies early – advice
Researchers have discovered that early exposure to peanuts can cut the likelihood of peanut allergies by up to 80%. Previous studies encouraged parents to wait till age 3 to begin introduction however with allergen rates soaring across much of the US this new approach could cut those rates … [Read more...]
Study links vitamin D deficiency to metabolic syndrome in mice
Metabolic syndrome is a terrible condition to have, as it is often the precursor to terrible diseases such as Diabetes. New research has now found that metabolic syndrome has been linked to a vitamin D deficiency in mice. Vitamin D is an important thing to have but is also easy to find. Go outside … [Read more...]
Look who grasps the vaccine-autism connection… Congressman Tom Price, President Trump’s pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services
Trumps selection of Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Price, has doubts about vaccinations and their links to neurological disorders and autism. AAPS, a group of physicians that oppose mandatory vaccinations, are in support of the pick and question mandatory vaccinations, manly that they … [Read more...]
Kids devouring too much ‘breakfast sugar’ warning
Children are consuming far too much sugar, specifically around breakfast time where they are already taking in half the amount recommended. Excessive sugar consumption has resulted in childhood obesity, dental problems, and serious health issues like type 2 diabetes. These problems can be … [Read more...]
Secondhand smoke endangers pets, raises their risk of cancer
For years many of our parents smoked with us nearby in unventilated homes and cars. Secondhand smoke is still a killer lurking in our homes. Secondhand smoke is detrimental to humans including our children. It is also dangerous to pets, including dogs, cats and even fish. Researchers have found … [Read more...]
How drugs can contribute to an early death
Drug users may be surprised to learn that even though they stop using there are fundamental physiological and neurological changes made to their bodies that result in shortened life spans. Even users who have stopped using long ago may find that their health has been impaired and their lives … [Read more...]
Best Superfoods & Vitamins at a Health Food Store to Thrive on a Raw Vegan Diet
When it comes to super foods and vitamins at a health food store for someone with a raw vegan diet to thrive on, there is a lot of choices in general. One of the problem with people who have a raw vegan diet in general is that they do not have the correct ratios of essential fats in general. These … [Read more...]
Pregnant women need vitamin D for neonatal health
There is a lot of worry and stress that come to you when pregnant. One of the bigger stressers is whether or not your doing enough for your babies health while they are growing. While we are concentrating on what we need to put into our bodies for our babies health, we can't forget about the need … [Read more...]
Walking your children home from school and driving while caffeinated are now felony crimes in police state America
Imagine being in trouble with the law for walking your kids home from school or drinking caffeine and driving. Sounds crazy I know but one city in Texas made it a felony crime to walk your children to school. While in California a man got arrested for a DUI but not for alcohol but caffeine instead! … [Read more...]
Superfoods is a better choice than comfort food
It is important during stressful times in one's life to turn towards superfoods as a healthy solution. Many of us instead turn to comfort foods, but these only provide temporary relief and in the end will only make things worse. Superfoods are both good for us physically and good for us mentally by … [Read more...]
FDA suggests new limit on lead used in lipstick… are you painting your face with toxic heavy metals?
Cosmetic products are very popular now in days with the media and social media exposure, but what are you really putting on your face. The FDA is recommending lower limits for lead in many of these popular cosmetic products. Claiming these products contain to much lead and pose a potential public … [Read more...]
The health advantages of marriage
When it comes to marriage there are a few health advantages that come with marriage in general. The fist one is that research shows that married people enjoy better health than single people. The next benefit is that people who are married tend to live longer compared to those that are single. … [Read more...]
Vitamins Play An Important Role For Younger Skin – Counsel & Heal
Looking for a way to achieve that young looking skin without spending thousands?? Your in the right place. Vitamins, besides all the obvious benefits to taking vitamins, studies report that now they will help your skin look and feel younger. People have been paying thousands trying to achieve … [Read more...]
Katie Seaver: An Intuitive Eating Trick That Requires Zero Restriction
How do you resist the rich, decadent brownie that’s an arm’s reach away? Katie, founder of an organization that teaches people how to stop dieting and enjoy food more, has just the trick. Simply tell yourself you can eat it the very next time you feel hungry. And make sure to keep that promise to … [Read more...]
The Secret To Treating Autoimmune Disease May Lie In The Gut
The number of Americans with autoimmune diseases has raised at an alarming rate. Nearly 20 percent of the general population has one of these diseases. Though we don't know what causes it, new research suggests that bacteria in the intestinal tract could have a large impact. A new study reveals more … [Read more...]
Aluminum in vaccines linked to Alzheimer’s and other neurological conditions
Aluminum is found in many products in our houses. It is being studied as a contributing factor to the Alzheimers Disease and Dementia. Many vaccines are riddled with aluminum as well which can be damaging to a young child. Aluminum is seen as a neurotoxin. We should take precautions when dealing … [Read more...]
Diabetes, heart disease, and back pain dominate US health care spending
When it comes to domination within United States healthcare spending, diabetes, heart disease, and back pain are at the top of the list. Nearly just twenty conditions alone make up a little more than half of all of the spending when it comes to health care within the United States. The most … [Read more...]
Most doctors ignore one of the most potent ways to improve health
Recently in a new perspective that was published by the New England Journal of Medicine, some Penn Medicine behavioral economists suggest a five-step ladder that promotes health. This also tests the acceptability as well as the effectiveness of it in general. When it comes to improving a patients … [Read more...]
Preventing too much immunity
Recently there have been some scientists that have reported a new molecular mechanism that could be the explanation for the cause of some certain autoimmune diseases in general. Based on these findings by the Immunology Research Center at Osaka University in Japan, it is believed that the defective … [Read more...]
No, Caffeine Doesn’t Impair Your Ability to Drive
This NBC News article explores the common substance, caffeine, and looks at both its benefits and ways it can be dangerous. After one man in California was arrested and charged with a DUI, yet only had caffeine in his bloodstream at the time of the altercation, is there more to this seemingly … [Read more...]
Anti-ageing tips for your hands
Our lives accumulate into memories and experiences. When youth is gone what is left is a job well done and a much needed retirement. With age does not need to come with common things such as wrinkling and naps. This article lists many anti-ageing tips for parts of your body like your hands to combat … [Read more...]
Smart seniors: A brain fitness program
The La Crosse County health department offers a Smart Senior program. The purpose of this program is to help adults who are having brain function issues maintain and exercise a healthy brain. It has been proven that this method helps aid dimensia. The program starts January 4th at the Prairie … [Read more...]
Social eating leads to overeating, especially among men
Much like over-drinking or any unhealthy habit that centers around social activities, socially over eating is a thing, and a concerning one at that. Be it ego, or not paying close attention to the amount of food one is eating, if there is an "audience' or a group of people around you, studies have … [Read more...]
Urine and Twigs? Frozen Wilderness Survival Tips
Interesting read about surviving in the wilderness. The star of the story is the Karen Klein, the mom who hiked 26 hours through the snow to get help. Apparently, her choices of sustenance were not setting her up for success. Turns out, drinking urine and eating bits of trees were good for what … [Read more...]
Nutrition Linked to Brain Health – and Intelligence – in Older Adults
When you mom tells you to eat your greens it is important to remind her to do the same. Scientist recently discovered the importance of greens especially those containing Lutein to help improve and utilize skills that the recipient has learned over a lifetime. This is one of the first studies … [Read more...]
Allergic Reactions Due To Air Pollution
There is a strong correlation between air pollution and the number of asthmatic cases, respiratory issues and allergic reactions. Researchers at Osaka University in Japan have found that certain air pollutants destroy white blood cells in the body which are designed to fight and destroy those … [Read more...]
Bob Harper’s Tips to Get You Fit in the New Year
New Years resolutions are notoriously difficult to stick to. However, fitness expert Bob Harper, using the acronym “STICK”, shows us how to maintain those goals: (S)top the increased fat, but instead balance fat, carbs and protein in one’s diet; (T)urmeric should be added in food for its various … [Read more...]
Exercise May Be Real Medicine for Parkinson’s Disease
Study confirms that almost any exercise is good medicine for someone with Parkinson's disease. Exercise can have a long-term impact, improving gait and reducing risk of falls, in particular. Parkinson's disease causes the brain to produce less dopamine, which leads to a loss of movement control. … [Read more...]
Best and worst nuts for your health
Nuts have been recently hailed as a new natural, healthy option for fats, protein, and vitamins and minerals. However, there are different forms that can provide different benefits and risks. In terms of calories, all nuts are relatively the same. However, cashews and pistachios are usually the … [Read more...]
More Americans Are Being Diagnosed with Melanoma
This article is about melanoma rates have risen int he United States. Before, the risk of getting this disease was 1 in 58 people, but now it is 1 in every 54 people which a huge increase of the potential of getting it. More people are getting detected with it earlier because doctors are looking … [Read more...]
The differences between hot and cold therapies
Inflammation, a natural body process, can be battled in a variety of different ways. One of these therapies, heat therapy, is one that is commonly employed in situations where one wants to increase blood flow and make connective tissues more flexible, as is found in chronic conditions. It can also … [Read more...]
Tips On Vitamins For Healthy Skin
A night cream can be nourishing to your skin. Phytessence Wakame is used in a few skincare creams with great results. Dark circles under the eyes takes away the person's natural charm. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day, and applying a moisturizing cream for your face can do wonders for your skin. … [Read more...]
101 Nutrition Tips for People with Diabetes
No one wants to have diabetes, but millions of Americans do. This can cause many health issues, but what most people who suffer do not know is it is manageable. There are many tips on how to make it better. Nutrition plays a major role. Read on for more tips. 101 Nutrition Tips for People with … [Read more...]
Anti Aging Effects of CBD
Profits are high this year, especially when it comes to marijuana dispensaries. Based on the article, consumer preferences have moved to edible items and vaporizers as consumers look for less-obvious ways to enjoy marijuana. The article also goes into the cyclical nature that the marijuana … [Read more...]
Gelatin Supplementation Plus Exercise May Be Beneficial for Bone Health
I’ve always heard that milk is good for healthy bones. However, based on the study which is described in this article, consuming a gelatin supplement enhanced with vitamin C accompanied by intensive exercise can help build up the strength in ligaments, tendons, and bones. Check out the article for … [Read more...]
10 Nutrition Tips For Weight Loss
It is the holiday season and everyone feels like they want to lost weight. Often times losing weight is easier said then done, but it is not impossible. There are some simple tips to make weight loss possible. There are some supplements to make weight loss possible, read on for the wonder drugs. … [Read more...]
China confirms third human bird flu infection, stirs fears of spread
The have been multiple scares of the avian flu, or the human flu bird, in recent history. Recently china has confirmed a third case in the recent days which makes authorities and health officials concerned. Time will have to tell what will happen with this flu. Read on for more information on this. … [Read more...]
Staying well this holiday season
Are you worried about staying healthy and avoiding getting sick this holiday season? Check out this article. It describes the common factors that contribute to getting sick and the foods and nutrients that will help you stay healthy this holiday season and ready to enjoy all of the parties with … [Read more...]
Three positive nutrition tips for healthy eating in the new year
So it’s the first Monday of the New Year. There is one thing probably on your mind: Your New Year’s resolution. If you are a person whose resolution was to be healthier this year, this article is for you. The article doesn’t preach about what not to eat but rather how to be happier and enjoy your … [Read more...]
Weight loss can reduce psoriasis symptoms in the long term, study finds
People with psoriasis can help reduce their symptoms by losing weight according to a study done in Copenhagen. This study had positive effects on participants one year later who continued to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Researchers found out the excess weight puts stress on the body and creates … [Read more...]
6 Tips to love your gut this Christmas.
The article explains how to keep your digestive system healthy during the holidays. Drinking water, eating slowly, eating yogurt, avoiding alcohol, and light exercise can help to keep the digestive tract in tact. It also provides some tips in case you overdo it such as drinking water and tea. … [Read more...]
Don’t let the bugs bite: Prevention and treatment
The article provides information regarding bug bites and what you should do about them. Many bugs can carry viruses and diseases so it is important to try and shield yourself from the pests as much as possible. Insects such as fleas, mosquitoes, and ticks can cause painful, sometimes life … [Read more...]
3 Tips To Make Your Baking Healthier!
This is an article focused on ways to add healthier options while baking. By substituting ingredients and adding more things like replacing Greek yogurt as opposed to sour cream. Adding fruits and vegetables can add an extra punch of vitamins and minerals to your baked goods. Other options such … [Read more...]
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