Of all the critical environments within the human body, it may be that the huge (given its ration to the entire body,) albeit tidily coiled, intestinal tract is the most crucial ecosystem to be found. A workhouse extraordinaire, that tidy tract is responsible for moving along up to sixty tons of food within an average human lifespan.
It’s further estimated that at any one time, each person has several pounds of bacteria residing inside of them, specifically enough to assign one to every star in the galaxy. The microbiome of the human gut, specifically, houses beneficial bacteria, whose delicate processes can actually be disrupted by too much anti-bacterial interference.
Under normal conditions, the human immune system, of which more than half lives in the intestinal tract, learns to discern foe from friend, or integral microbiome inhabitant from interloper. With too much interference, this delicate process gets discombobulated, and autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, and more, can be the result.
Key Takeaways:
- Our bodies contain an estimated hundred trillion bacteria, living inside our colons, that are critical to our health.
- Disruption of the intestinal ecosystem, which houses seventy percent of our immune system, is often more damaging to us than invading pathogens.
- The decimation of beneficial flora in our intestinal systems has helped lead the way to autoimmune conditions like systemic lupus.
“However, antibiotics are not only harmful in that they prevent infections from instructing development of the immune system. They also disrupt the finely tuned symphony of actions orchestrated by our microbiota, or those friendly bugs that inhabit our gut.”
Read more: https://www.healthnutnews.com/heal-your-gut-to-reverse-autoimmune-disease/