Recently, there has been a lot of talk online and in the media about super foods, typically fruits or vegetables that have heretofore unknown health benefits. In most cases, the term is used simply as a marketing tool to get consumers to buy one kind of smoothie or juice instead of another. In actuality, any food that is a good source of vital nutrients could be considered a super food. However, there are certain foods that are excellent sources of essential nutrients, even though they’re not generally identified as such. For example, yellow and red bell peppers are more plentiful in vitamin C that oranges and lemons.
This recent Huffington Post article features an exhaustive list of foods with similarly under discussed health benefits. Like avocados, which are rich in blood pressure normalizing potassium and monounsaturated fats. Or, salmon which contain a lot of cholesterol-lowering omega-3 fatty acids. And green tea, which can improve your cognitive function and memory. Really, most so-called super foods are actually just all-natural, vitamin packed fruits, vegetables and lean proteins that are readily available at markets across the country. Click the link below to the read this eye-opening article about how everyday foods can help you lead a healthier life.
Read the full article here: Julie Daniluk’s Top Picks For Foods That Reduce Stress