Do you have a toothbrush? If so, you may have the one and only tool that you need to battle one of the most frustrating skin conditions around. Rubbing the toothbrush against your nose a few seconds each day can provide astonishing results. Some people say the results are even better than what you’d get from use of one of the products from the pharmacy. It is time to treat this condition the easy and affordable way!
Key Takeaways:
- Using a toothbrush with toothpaste, baking soda and warm water will exfoliate your skin.
- This DIY mixture will completely clean your pores and present your best skin.
- Using a warm cloth afterwards will remove the residual paste mixture.
“The skin tends to present all kinds of changes and impurities, especially the face as this is much more sensitive than any other part of the body, so it is the first to notice any changes you have.”