THe video in this blog talks about air solutions cause 3 million in deaths. And in China over a million , india 600 thousand, World Health Org says that it increases chances stroke cancer or heart attacks. In particular low income countries have it worse compared to us where only 38 thousand are … [Read more...]
The Cause of Chronic Inflammation in Diabetes
Chronic inflammation observed in diabetes patients is one of the leading causes of these complications. The researchers found that when specific immune cells, called macrophages, are unable to manufacture their fat, the chance of chronic inflammation and reducing diabetes, even if mice eat a … [Read more...]
Dinner with TV may be a recipe for less healthy meals
This article in particular talks about how the enjoyment level of the meal is measured to be less when the individual is engaged in watching tv versus the individuals who leave the TV off. Chances are those families who watch tv engage less with their children and have a higher rate for obesity. … [Read more...]
Medical News Today: Prostate Exam: How is it Done and Who Should Have One?
Men who want to be screened should be tested with the PSA blood test. In the PSA test, a blood sample is taken so that the level of PSA in the blood can be measured. The PSA test is a blood test for prostate problems. It measures a protein called PSA that is made by the prostate gland. These tests … [Read more...]
New Study Suggests An Egg A Day Lowers Stroke Risks
One breakfast staple has always been eggs and actually there is good news for those that eat eggs. The protein in eggs are found to reduce blood pressure and lower stress and inflammation. However, you have to keep in mind that this is all in moderation and the study shows that just one egg a day … [Read more...]
Decade long study proves that you can delay aging by making smarter food choices
A team of Korean scientists have found that if you can make smart food choices when you are younger you can easily add years to your life. Scientists have also found that consuming micro-nutrients, including vitamin C, folate and potassium can significantly delay the biological again processes. … [Read more...]
Can your own immune system kill cancer?
Every day there are advancements in the technology and medical worlds and recently there was another big announcement surrounding the medical world. The FDA approved a new immunotherapy drug by the name of Keytruda. This drug helps stimulate the body’s immune system as a first-line treatment with … [Read more...]
Bomb detecting technology can be used for early dementia diagnosis
What do you know about dementia? Many of us know very little about it outside of the effect that it leaves on loved ones but a new research has been done using technology that is out of this world. In fact, they have been using a technique for detecting improvised explosive devices to identify … [Read more...]
Suffering from eczema? Use fenugreek seeds for relief
Eczema or dermatitis is a common aliment many people struggle with, marked by itchy, red skin. While both adults and children can be affected by this, the cause is not readily known. Eczema can affect quality of life and can be treated by conventional methods or home remedies. Fenugreek seeds are a … [Read more...]
Here’s Why Health Care Costs So Much
Do you ever wonder why health care costs so much even if you have a plan through your employer? If you feel this way, then you are certainly not alone. Insurance premiums are only going to increase, this includes for both the employer funded premiums and the insurance through the marketplace. One … [Read more...]
9 Things You Should Know About Weight Loss Workouts
If you're trying to lose weight there are few things to keep in mind when working out. First, make sure you find an activity that you like. Don't worry too much about how many calories you're buring, instead focus on your intensity. Workouts don't always have to be intense, nor do they always have … [Read more...]
A Probiotic That Actually Lasts
Unfortunately, the probiotics found in most dairy products aren’t all the media cracks them up to be. Although, some particular microbes might. A team of people is focusing on a specific strain of Bifidobacterium longum, the common, steady part of the stomach. They found the way to administer … [Read more...]
Science now says some herbs and natural remedies can be used to alleviate inflammation. One specific type being Psoriatic Arthritis. Boxberries, Aloe Vera, fish oil, oil of wintergreen and cayenne pepper are some of these natural remedies. Always be sure to consult your doctor before altering your … [Read more...]
Hundreds of American kids are suddenly paralyzed, and doctors still don’t know why
A mother’s biggest fear is something happening to their child. This mother found her toddler suddenly paralyzed and now she is on a mission to solve this medical mystery. The terrifying truth was that no one knew what was happening to her son. To learn more about what this mother is fighting and … [Read more...]
Glucose tablets likely better for easing low blood sugar symptoms
It turns out low blood sugar levels can be raised with Glucose tablets. They’ve been recommended for people with diabetes over the consumption of a soft drink or snack. Low blood sugar symptoms can include fatigue, anxiety, abnormal heart rates, sweating, mental confusion, seizures and even a coma, … [Read more...]
Being diabetic can really take a toll on one’s life, with multiple pinky pricks each day and large painful pills. While the specific causes are pretty well unknown, there is definitely some combination of diet and genetic predisposition at play here. Stress can also be another stressor of diabetes, … [Read more...]
What is Metabolic Balance?
Despite the claims that it will help you to lose excess weight, Metabolic Balance® is not a diet. It is, in fact, a hormone and metabolism re-balancing programme, resetting your body’s current metabolic functions. In a nutshell, it helps you use energy and burn fat at your body’s optimum level. … [Read more...]
Health Tip: Learn About Vitamin C
When it comes to your immune system there is one vitamin that you should always use as your first line of defense. Vitamin C is known for its immune-boosting qualities but it can also do many other things. It can help to grow or repair bodily tissues as well as protect against heart disease. To … [Read more...]
vitamin d levels can predict aggressiveness of prostate cancer
A new study about men’s prostates claims that prostate cancer can be predicted by one’s vitamin D levels. This will be very important for those who want continuous surveillance. This way they can monitor the cancer before it has a chance to spread. The lower your D levels, the more aggressive the … [Read more...]
Cinnamon has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties
Cinnamon is a favorite when it comes to the holiday but did you know that a little bit of sprinkle with cinnamon on your food can make your stomach healthier. It will cool your stomach down according to new research. It gets even better the spice is also known to have anti-bacterial and … [Read more...]
7 more substances classified as human carcinogens
Several new carcinogens have been classified as harmful and severe to human health by The U.S. Department of Health and Human Service. Thus bringing the total number up to 248. Five of them being viruses including EBV, HIV-1, MCV and Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type-1. These viruses are linked … [Read more...]
Antibiotic herbs destroy drug-resistant bacteria
Drug-resistant strains of bacteria have become way too common in hospitals, killing over 2 million people each year. For those who want an alternative to antibiotics, there are studies that suggest plant-based remedies for some bacterial infections that will not cause the bacteria to mutate into … [Read more...]
Ounce of Prevention | A Healthy gut : Healthy you
A growing body of research indicates gut bacteria are important for your health. Consuming probiotics, found in fermented foods like yogurt, dietary supplements, and some Asian foods like miso, can help promote good gut bacteria. It's important to eat prebiotics as well. Prebiotics are often found … [Read more...]
6 Daily Habits That Can Reduce Your Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer's is the sixth leading cause of death in the US. Changing your daily routine could help prevent it. Try to limit eating processed foods such as refined carbohydrates. Get a good night's rest every night. Try to eat fruits, vegetables, and fish to maintain good gut bacteria. Exercise 20 … [Read more...]
Adding eggs to salad can increase Vitamin E absorption
Vitamin E is one of the nutrients the american diet is lacking most. Adding a whole egg to your foods though, is said to boost the amount of vitamin E our body absorbs through vegetables, according to Purdue University. Researchers in a study found when participants comsumed 3 whole eggs in their … [Read more...]
Why exercise is nonnegotiable
When you think about exercising what do you think about? Are you a gym rat? Or do you not exercise at all? The truth is neither is ok and both have serious consequences with your health. If you want to be healthy you must exercise and that in itself is not up for a debate. Read more in this article … [Read more...]
Possible cause of chronic inflammation identified
Do you know someone that has diabetes? Do they have chronic inflammation? If you are like most people then you either have diabetes or you know someone that has. In fact, the number of people that have diabetes has increased worldwide over the last twenty years and a new study has been done for the … [Read more...]
Contaminated food from China now entering the U.S. under the ‘organic’ label
Be careful, contaminated Chinese food is being imported into the U.S. with fake "organic" labels. Many of these foods are grown in or harvested from dirty water that Chinese farmers say is difficult to avoid. Watch out in particular for Chinese imported tilapia, apples, grains such as rice, peas and … [Read more...]
When to Take Your Vitamins: Timing is Key to Effectiveness
Taking your daily vitamins is a great step towards a healthier body. Although, if you dont take them right you may not be getting the full benefits. For example, taking magnesium with food can help with side effects like diarrhea. Also, calcium can help with muscle relaxation if taken in the … [Read more...]
Cure depression with vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is an important vitamin for maintaining much of your body's function. One example of its effect is its ability to treat depression. If you suffer from depression, you may consider getting a blood test to examine your B12 levels. If your doctor says your levels are low, you may consider … [Read more...]
Diabetes Awareness During the Holiday Season
Managing diabetes can be tough, despite how common it is in Americans. It can be especially tough during the holidays when tables are filled with sweets and carbohydrates. Practice portion control on sweets and starches to limit your blood sugar changes. You might also bring a dish of your own that … [Read more...]
The One Ingredient That’s Worse Than Sugar
Trans fats have been shown to be worse for your health than a more common dietary enemy, sugar. Also known as partially hydrogenated oils, these fats used to be common at fast food restaurants but many major chains have removed them from their menus. Be on the lookout for "trans fat free" versions … [Read more...]
Vitamins And Minerals- Benefits Of A Healthy Diet
Do you know why it is important to have a balanced diet? Most of us know it is important to have a healthy diet but not why. In fact, the main reason that there are so many different foods on a diet is the absorption of minerals and vitamins, these are considered your protection. To find out more … [Read more...]
Low vitamin C levels linked to higher blood levels of lead
Adding to the growing list of concerns about lead exposure is a finding that children exposed to lead seem to have a correlation of lower vitamin-c levels. Vitamin C has been shown to have substantial health benefits such as stronger immune systems and better skin elasticity. One of the most common … [Read more...]
November is sweet potato month
Sweet potatoes, which are slightly different than yams despite confusion at many groceries, are a nutritious root vegetable. Sweet potatoes contain large portions of your suggested daily fiber and vitamin values. A versatile vegetable, they can be prepared a number of ways. Try leaving the skin on … [Read more...]
Worried well ‘might boost heart risk’
High anxiety and stress can cause you to be at a higher risk for heart risk.. the research conducted concluded that anxiety and stress can trigger unhealthy habits, such as smoking or eating badly, which put you at greater risk of heart disease. the research concluded that "While we don't know if … [Read more...]
5 Fats You Shouldn’t Fear
We hear all the time that we need to limit the amount of fats that we consume in our diets. In fact, some people consume themselves with fat content of the foods they eat. But maybe it is time to calm down a bit because some fats are not made to fear, including the five that is mentioned in this … [Read more...]
Exercise May Prevent Age Related Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is a major issue that impacts approximately two thirds of all people over the age of 70. Fortunately, scientists have found a way to help ward off this unfortunate sign of aging. After researching the effects of an exercise regimen on mice scientists have witnessed that living a less … [Read more...]
Two sweetened drinks per day could be doubling your risk of diabetes
Diabetes is a condition that many men and women are dealing with on a daily basis and if you are consuming two sugary sweet drinks each day, you could be the next battling the symptoms of this disease. The information in this article is important to know and may even help diabetes from affecting … [Read more...]
Is Apple Cider Vinegar Really That Beneficial?
Apple Cider Vinegar: is it sitting inside of your pantry? If not, perhaps it should be. Apple Cider Vinegar has a multitude of uses inside of the kitchen and out, and it may even provide significant benefits to your health, too. If you're wondering the truth of apple cider vinegar, this is the … [Read more...]
The diet foods that actually work
Everyone had heard of dietary aides that promise super quick weight loss. Oftentimes, people rely on these quick fixes too heavily and are disappointed when they gain the weight back after losing some weight quickly. There are foods such as meal replacement shakes, protein bars, and weight loss teas … [Read more...]
Studies funded by soda industry skew the link between soda and diabetes
With anyone and everyone being able to post things online, it has become very hard to know what articles to believe. The University of California at San Francisco reviewed 60 studies that analyzed the connection between soda consumption and diabetes and obesity. They found that any studies that were … [Read more...]
USDA Approves Genetically Engineered Potatoes
NBC News takes an in-depth look at genetically engineered food. The USDA which stands for the United States Department of Agriculture, has recently approved the growing of genetically engineered potatoes. There are several reasons for the desire to grow genetically engineered food including the fact … [Read more...]
Diabetes and wound healing: What are the best tips?
People with diabetes often notice that their wounds take longer to heal than those without diabetes. Indeed, the disease does affect your body's healing rate. Some of the best tips to preventing wounds are to be preventative. Wearing comfortable clothes and washing your body often help prevent any … [Read more...]
Smoking And The Immune System: Nicotine Causes An Increased Inflammatory Response
Smoking is bad for you and is not a new idea. Nicotine in tobacco is known to cause inflammation. Inflammation is how the body fights off an attack. The higher amount of inflammation the morethe more the body the body acts to counteract the stimuli. Smoking And The Immune System: Nicotine … [Read more...]
Women who consume diet drinks with artificial sweeteners reduce their chances of conceiving
There is a study that says artificial sweeteners can reduce the chance of pregnancy and conception. While there is no conclusive link, there are studies that promote a link between the two. Women who don't drink artificial sweeteners often have an easier time with conception. While it isn't a … [Read more...]
Men’s long working hours, short sleep may harm health in old age
Men who work more than 50 hours a week and sleep less than 47 hours, in midlife, have a higher chance of health problems later in life. There have been several studies since the early 1900's looking at these behaviors. The effects of long work created problems later in retirement age men. … [Read more...]
Alzheimer’s and dementia rates rise as nations adopt the westernized diet of burgers, fries, steaks and fried chicken
New studies are showing that Alzheimer's and dementia are on the rise with poor diet of Westernized food. While the food itself does not present an issue, the real issue is the lack of nutrition that people receive when eating these foods on a regular basis. Promoting proper brain health with … [Read more...]
Energy drink ‘fuel hepatitis risk’
Hepatitis can affect many aspects of your life, and diet is one that is less discussed. While people praise B vitamins as essential vitamins for daily life, people with hepatitis need less B vitamins. With a compromised liver, too much B vitamins can create serious health issues. Energy drinks often … [Read more...]
Is This Vitamin the Fountain of Youth?
Unfortunately, we are born with optimum NAD+ levels, but this amount dramatically decreases with each decade as we age, falling to dangerously low levels by the time we reach age 60 and beyond. Maintaining a more youthful metabolism could mean a higher resting metabolic rate, resistance to weight … [Read more...]
Here’s why you don’t lose weight even though you exercise daily
It’s great when we start to see the pounds fall off during any weight loss routine. However, there is usually a point where the weight stops falling and we hit a weight loss plateau. When this happens, it’s easy to get a little upset. Sometimes the solution is as simple as re-evaluating and making a … [Read more...]
American Heart Association’s National Eating Healthy Day is Urging You to Be Colorful, Live Healthy
Many people worry about eating the right meals. With so many guides and diets out there it can be easy to get lost in what is a healthy meal. The American Heart Association has come up with a simple solution - to eat meals that have a variety of colors. Certain foods have certain nutrients, and … [Read more...]
Alarming rise in drugged driving deaths alerts U.S. regulators
The percentage of fatal car crashes in which at least one driver tested drug-positive has nearly doubled over the past ten years, raising concerns among state and federal regulators. More research is needed on several fronts including further study of the effects of marijuana on driving but to … [Read more...]
Amazing Vitamin B12 Benefits That You Never Knew
B vitamins are well known as important vitamins to take, and arguably B12 is one of the most important. It plays a wide range of functions in the body's overall health, and is crucial for many aspects of healthy living. Good levels of B12 vitamin can make your hair and skin healthier, your heart … [Read more...]
Many Kids Still Eating Too Much Salt
Health Day takes an in-depth look at salt consumption in children. Specifically, research is looked at which shows that many children as much as 90% are consuming more salt than is recommended. This is due to the consumption of too much processed and sodium heavy foods such as pizza and cold cuts. … [Read more...]
Chlorophyll is the body’s best natural deodorizer
Chlorophyll has recently been shown to be the best agent at preventing body odors and smells. While people spend so much money a year trying to smell nice, or cover up unpleasant odor, chlorophyll removes those smells before your body emits them. For instance, parsley has long been known to reduce … [Read more...]
Scientists find no link between appetite, calorie intake
Research has shown that there is no real correlation between appetite and calorie intake. Some people believe in a rule-of-thumb that once you feel full, your body knows that you've eaten enough food for the day. However, that feeling of satiation is a poor indicator of caloric intake. As a matter … [Read more...]
Can energy drinks cause hepatitis?
What do you know about energy drinks? If you are like most people, then you know that energy drinks can help keep you awake. However, there is a new case that might strike you as different. A 50 year old man developed acute hepatitis from drinking an excessive amount of energy drinks. To learn more … [Read more...]
Here’s how your body transports zinc to protect your health
Zinc is an important element to the body, yet researchers have long struggled with how it actually moves through the body to spread nutrients. Thanks to research methods using x-ray crystallography, which create colorful images, they have found that a protein known as serum albumin carries zinc … [Read more...]
The anti-inflammatory diet
The anti-inflammatory diet often mirrors the general advice that most health practitioners offer, but for those with inflammation issues it is imperative that you follow these rules. First, eating fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds as a large part of your diet will immediately decrease any … [Read more...]
How autoimmune disease is prevented: Mechanism discovered
Do you know what autoimmune diseases are? Do you know how autoimmune disease is prevented? If you are like most people then you know that diseases are serious but you aren’t really sure how serious unless it happens to someone that you know and love. Currently, researchers have discovered that a … [Read more...]
Do bad teeth cause heart disease?
There is no conclusive study that shows that bad teeth cause heart disease, but there are some important things to consider. Some of the same bacteria that thrive in gingivitis can be washed down into your arteries through eating food, and this could create an unhealthy heart atmosphere. Also, the … [Read more...]
How good gut bacteria wrest control from the bad
When you think of bacteria what do you think about? Usually, when people think about bacteria they think about sickness but that isn’t always the case. In fact, there is already bacteria that lives in your stomach. This bacteria can actually help control your body from the bad bacteria. To learn … [Read more...]
Most of the world breathes polluted air, WHO says
The World Health Organization, or the WHO, used comprehensive research to create a new pollution map showing the harmful effects of polluted air people breath in around the globe. The results are somewhat shocking, as this new study claims over nine-tenths of the people on Earth breath in … [Read more...]
Uncertain Harvest: Doubts About the Promised Bounty of Genetically Modified Crops
For years there has been debates over genetically modified crops but the debate has been centered on whether they are safe to eat or not. Now the focus is being turned to whether it has or will render an increased crop. To learn more about this study, check out this article on the promise of … [Read more...]
This smart, harmless pesticide patent could take down Monsanto and change the world
Have you heard about the bio-agriculture giant called Monsanto? Chances are if you follow genetically modified foods or seeds then you have heard the name before. However the world is about to get a new pesticide patent. It might make BioAg chemicals completely unnecessary. To learn more, check out … [Read more...]
Can IV Vitamin C Actually Fight Cancer?
Do you know all about Vitamin C? Most people know that it can help boost your immune system but many people do not know of the possibility that IV vitamin C can fight cancer. Can it? Essentially ti is too early to say that it can fight cancer alone but many treatments of cancer can be helped by … [Read more...]
Arthritis pain: Do’s and don’ts
Do you have arthritis or do you know someone that does? There are different things that you should take into consideration when it comes to arthritis. No matter your condition when it comes to arthritis it will be easier if you take a few things into consideration and always make sure to talk to … [Read more...]
Tick bites can cause life-threatening allergic reactions to red meat
Do you live in an area where tick bites are a constant worry? Did you know that tick bites can actually cause life-threatening allergic reactions to red meats? I honestly had no idea that this was possible until reading this article. Some people weren’t even found to have a reaction until … [Read more...]
Study: Running linked to extended lifespan and brain repair
The article talks about how working out in particular running extends the life of the individual. A specific molecule VGF is activated during the run. In studies it has shown that mice had significantly increased their life span to over a year. It also talks about that there are other benefits of … [Read more...]
Anti-Cancer Effects Found in Onions
Do you know someone that has been affected by cancer? Is this something that plagues your mind? If you are like most people, it has affected friends and family across the board. You aren’t alone in that or even in the fact that it weighs heavily on your mind. A new study has shown that anti-cancer … [Read more...]
6 Indian Superfoods to Reduce Belly Fat
If you want to get rid of the belly fat that is causing you embarrassment, superfoods may very well help you achieve astonishing results in no time at all. When any of these six Indian superfoods are selected, however, you might not believe the magic happening before your eyes. Don't waste any more … [Read more...]
Easy ways to build better bones
Our bones are the base structure to our bodies and it is important that we take care of them. There are easy ways to build better bones through strength training, weight-bearing exercise, a healthy diet and medication can help. There are easy steps to take and to learn more about these steps you can … [Read more...]
The Beauty Vitamin Cheat Sheet
Did you know that vitamins are essential for your appearance and the way that your body takes on the world? It’s true. Vitamins also help with your beauty in addition to your health. You can take some of the following vitamins, minerals or herbs to look your best. The supplement hair, skin and nails … [Read more...]
Reducing Age-Related Decline by Boosting Glutathione – Anti Aging News
How would you say that you could reduce age? Do you think that it is even possible? If you are like most people then you might think that this isn’t possible. But, a new research shows that by boosting Glutathione it could help in reducing age-related decline. To learn more, check out this … [Read more...]
Natural chemical found in salads could be anti-ageing superfood for the elderly
Have you ever thought about searching for the fountain of youth? Many people are constantly looking for the fountain of youth but now the search may be over. There is a natural chemical found in salads that could be an anti-ageing superfood for the elderly. This natural chemical is called NMN, to … [Read more...]
10 Easy Ways to Get Healthy for Beginners, Where to Start? Nutrition Tips
If you are ready to change your life and lead it as healthy as you possibly can, getting started is always the hard part: until now. Take a look at this article and the 10 awesome ways that you can get started in your goals of leading a healthy life and making better nutrition choices. Are you ready … [Read more...]
Water with meals better than diet beverages for weight loss in type 2 diabetes
Do you enjoy diet beverages? Do you have type 2 diabetes or know someone that does? If this sounds like you, you want to check out this study that shows that drinking water with meals is better than diet beverages when it comes to weight loss in type 2 diabetes. In order to learn more about this … [Read more...]
Iron supplements in the fight against lead
lead is toxic to the infant developing brain and that damage it does is irreversible. there is way to reduce the amount of lead in the blood; researchers have found that higher level of iron reduces lead in the blood. The researchers were delighted to find that the biscuits fortified with iron did … [Read more...]
Take Vitamin D For 3 Months And All Diseases Will Disappear!
Vitamin D is crucial to good health and can help prevent many diseases, including cancer, but up to 75% of American adults don't get enough Vitamin D. Visit a doctor for a blood test if you're concerned that your intake is too low, and then increase your Vitamin D intake by eating Vitamin D-rich … [Read more...]
Suffering from headaches no longer has to be a daily occurrence with these 5 all-natural products that…
The Institute for Integrative Nutrition offers easy advice through the social media site known as Facebook. Specifically, they focus on the issue of headaches and offer helpful tips and insight to people that suffer from them daily. They target five products that are considered essential to headache … [Read more...]
5 foods diabetics should add to their diets
Fox News Health takes an in-depth look at heathy eating. Specifically, eating healthy is especially important for people with diabetes and Michael Serrur for the Daily meal focuses on five different foods that are beneficial for people with diabetes to eat. These include apple cider vinegar, … [Read more...]
Can IV Vitamin C Actually Fight Cancer?
Injecting vitamin's and minerals such as Vitamin C through an IV may boost energy, and even make one's immune system stronger according to Dr. Ivan Rusilko. Dr. Ivan Rusilko has been using the custom injections and is even willing to toss normal cancer treatment out the door and use his injections … [Read more...]
Diabetes Tips is a site that gives helpful advice to people suffering with diabetes. Prevention is also a key component that they focus on. Emily for Diabetes Tips takes an in-depth look at the use of diet drinks and how they could be doubling your risk of developing type two diabetes. Key … [Read more...]
Non-GMO ‘crop circles’ showing up in corn fields in Nebraska
Natural News is a site that brings the top news featuring natural health. Daniel Barker for Natural News takes an in-depth look at the corn fields of Nebraska. Specifically, they try to raise awareness for the use of non-gmo products. Interesting ways of raising awareness has even consisted of … [Read more...]
Benefits of couverture chocolate
Chocolate is generally one of life’s greatest pleasures. A bite of chocolate can brighten one’s mood and make a bad day just a little better. But did you know that it can have health benefits too? Couverture chocolate in particular, a specific cocoa butter compound, has been proven to have a number … [Read more...]
Cook these six vegetables for even greater health benefits
Natural News is a site that brings the top news featuring natural health. Amy Goodrich for Natural News focuses on the six vegetables that will bring about many health benefits for you. Discussions on whether or not to cook the vegetables and which ones to use are all discussed in detail. Key … [Read more...]
Add jumping rope to your exercise routines
Do it. It’s a cheap, multi-purpose tool to add to your do-it-yourself gym. Jumping rope is one of those things that you learn as a kid and can keep you healthy as an adult. You can use it as an alternate to running or the bike. And who doesn’t think of keeping pace with a famous boxer or Rocky? … [Read more...]
Is too much ‘screen time’ hurting your kids’ mental growth?
Natural News is a site that brings the top news featuring natural health. Daniel Barker for Natural News takes an in-depth look at screen time and how it is affecting your children. Specifically, it has been questioned as to whether too much time around screens such as tv, phones, tablets etc. could … [Read more...]
study 2 diet drinks a day could double risk of diabetes
Diabetes Tips is a helpful website for people with the condition known as diabetes. It is also helpful for people on the road to getting diabetes who want to help prevent it from happening. An in-depth look at diet drinks is discussed and how it could lead to diabetes. Specifically, even two diet … [Read more...]
New PAN report warns of global contamination of health damaging glyphosate
A new report suggests that the herbicide Roundup, also known as glyphosate, is far more dangerous to humans than previously thought. Most say that Roundup is safe for humans because the pathway it acts upon is found only in plants. However, the report from the Pesticide Action Network suggest that … [Read more...]
3 things you might not know about childhood asthma
What do you know about childhood asthma? Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases that can affect those in their childhood years. There are three things you might not know about childhood asthma. You have to keep in mind that the symptoms can come and go, you can have asthma without hearing … [Read more...]
New Guidelines Urge Diabetics to Move More
What do you know about keeping healthy when you have diabetes? The truth is sometimes it is really hard to keep up with all of the studies but there are a few new guidelines that urge diabetics to move more. Instead of prolonged sitting in order to improve blood sugar management people who have … [Read more...]
Nutrition for Psoriasis: Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are delicious and healthy. While the deliciousness is oftentimes enjoyed only on special holidays, there;s more reason to eat sweet potatoes as often as you can: they may benefit the skin condition psoriasis. If you're bothered by this condition, this is the news that you've been … [Read more...]
Why do you need healthy superfoods?
Do you know what a healthy superfood is? Why do you need them? The reasons that superfoods are important as a part of your diet is because they offer several beneficial aspects to them. General nutrition lack items that superfoods have, including the omega-3 fatty acids or minerals that you need to … [Read more...]
Stressful Jobs With Little Control/Shorter Life Spans?
I used to have a stressful job in the military, and then I quit after 15 years. Most of my friends and family think that I made a mistake, but I’ve never felt better. I was able to find a job in my military specialty after 7 months of unemployment, but the lower stress levels have significantly … [Read more...]
Here’s Why You Should Be Putting…
Are you a coffee lover? Do you care about the way that you look? Chances are that if you are human, then on some level you do care about how you look even if you aren’t a lover of coffee. Now there are studies showing how if you put collagen in your coffee it can give results to die for! To learn … [Read more...]
Kratom helps transplant recipient avoid relying on prescription medications
What do you know about painkillers? Often our minds go to controlled substances or even abuse of the painkillers. However, many people neglect that there are painkillers that occur naturally and are built to help with pain. Kratom is a natural occurring painkiller that the DEA has reconsidered from … [Read more...]
Mulberry extract activates brown fat, shows promise as obesity treatment
Researchers have long searched for the perfect treatment for obesity. Now, after countless hours of research and study, the word is that Mulberry Extract is the product that finally produces results. Scientists say that brown fat is activated with the use of this product, but there is more to learn. … [Read more...]
These 15 common herbs cure everything from infections to inflammation and indigestion
What do you think that we take medication for? How do you think that in ages before the age of medicine illnesses were cured? If you are like most people you assume that people either died or that they had less effective ways of healing and that we now take medication. However, there are 15 common … [Read more...]
Do meal replacement shakes and bars really work?
Have you thought about using meal replacements in order to get healthy or even to lose weight? Do you know what you can lose or gain with these meal replacements? Chances are that like most people you have heard of them and the way they can help you lose weight but you might not have done your … [Read more...]
FDA Warns of Dangers From Testosterone Supplements
Given the negative side effects of anabolic steroids (heart attack, heart failure, stroke, depression, hostility, aggression, liver toxicity and male infertility), I don’t know why anyone would even want to risk their health over a couple of inches on a bicep or a little more vascularity. And none … [Read more...]
Everything You Need to Know About Dietary Fats
How do you feel about fats? If you are like most people you immediately think the worse. It has become that in our day in age that most people see fats as the enemy. But the truth is that fats are not the enemy because they are essential. These essential fatty acids need to be taken in moderation. … [Read more...]
Additional benefit of omega-3 fatty acids for the clearance of metabolites from the brain
The FASEB Journal published new research suggesting that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids commonly found in fish oil may promote brain health and prevent chemicals linked to Alzheimer's disease. Researchers supplemented the diet of mice with fish oil and found a correlation between the … [Read more...]
This Is the Way to Activate Your Master Metabolic Molecule AMPK That Will Help You Live Longer and Healthier
Have you heard that if you eat healthy then you won’t feel as tired? Do you wonder why now that you have done a diet overhaul why you still feel tired? If you are like most people, this is actually one reason that you want to get healthy. You might even take out modified foods and increased exercise … [Read more...]
How to Boost Your Nitric Oxide for A Healthy Heart
Do you find yourself worried about having a healthy heart? Did you know that if you boost your nitric oxide this can actually help with having a healthy heart? To learn how to boost your nitric oxide you want to increase your nitrate-rich plant-based diet with items like carrots, parsley, radishes, … [Read more...]
Making Health a Priority
Do you list things in your life that have a place and time? Do you make your health a priority? If you are like most people, while health might be a priority, we don’t make it a functional priority. Most smokers will continue to smoke and most people believe they already eat a healthy diet. To learn … [Read more...]
Broccoli May Be The New Fountain Of Youth
Broccoli has been found to have enzymes within that have shown energy gain and anti-aging effects. Though it has yet to be 100% confirmed, it has been showing signs that it is working on mice. Scientists have taken the enzymes and added it to drinking water, which has sped up mice's metabolism, … [Read more...]
Do you know what turmeric is? Do you know why turmeric is healthy for you? First let’s take a look at what it is. Turmeric is actually a bright yellow spice and it is actually considered a superfood. This is actually very healthy for you as it helps lower the C-reactive protein that can cause heart … [Read more...]
To gluten or not to gluten?
The new fad of gluten free goods, is it really beneficial? Gluten free foods are extremely popular now, they were first made for individuals with celiac disease but have proven to be popular with all sorts of people. Individuals with gluten sensitvity also benefit from these foods as they are gluten … [Read more...]
Ending the Fear of Fruit
Have you ever heard of the saying, too much of a good thing is not really a good thing? This is the truth with even healthy foods like fruit. Fruit and eating too much of it can cause blood sugar problems, even though bananas help with low potassium you risk potassium “overdose” and much more like … [Read more...]
Hair Loss in Women, Vitamin Deficiency – Important Vitamins That You May Be Lacking
Hair loss can be caused by vitamin deficiencies. Hormonal imbalances in women can be made worse by vitamin deficiency as well. Some of the major vitamins linked to hair and skin issues include Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Inositol, and Biotin. Other essential components include protein and zinc. These are … [Read more...]
What Does Inflammation Really Mean? 3 Things You Should Know
Everyone experiences inflammation, normally as a healthy part of the immune system. However, sometimes inflammation can be abnormal and lead to chronic conditions like arthritis. For example, it's normal to feel pain as part of the initial inflammation response, but if the pain persists, especially … [Read more...]
If you aren’t familiar with the benefits of resveratrol, you should be
Resveratrol is a flavonoid found in grape skin and peanuts, among other places, which has great health benefits, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. It has a number of applications, including for neuronal health, potential anti-cancer effects, and reducing chronic inflammation in … [Read more...]
What is the difference between natural vitamins and artificial vitamins?
Natural vitamins exist in the standard diet whereas artificial vitamins are supplied by doctors via pills or other preparations. If one is in need of a high dose of vitamins to live a healthy life, it is most likely that a prescription will be given. Artificial vitamins may have risks whereas … [Read more...]
Balanced omega-6 to omega-3 is important for the prevention of obesity, evidence suggests
A new study suggests that increased omega-6 fatty acids and an increased ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is correlated with obesity. The two different omega fatty acids are used to make different groups of hormones, and the study suggests that these groups of hormones should be brought into … [Read more...]
Exposed: How to Avoid the Most Dangerous Cancer Cures Myths
Cancer is a complex and frightening disease that even doctors struggle to cure. There are many supposed alternative cancer cures out there, but many of them don't actually affect the disease, and sometimes they may make it even worse. For example, one of the most common myths is that an alkaline … [Read more...]
Gluten could be in your medication and pills, AND Big Pharma doesn’t even have to label it
Those with celiac disease have to avoid gluten, otherwise this serious autoimmune condition causes extreme abdominal pains, constant migraines, and bloody diarrhea. No matter how careful patients with celiac disease or their caretakers may be, there is one place that few people think to look. … [Read more...]
How To Cure Food Allergies With Natural Medicine
Food allergies can be devastating, have a number of symptoms, and be difficult to diagnose. However, food allergies can also be treated effectively with natural medicine. The first step is to eliminate the major allergens from your diet to figure out what is causing your symptoms, and then treat … [Read more...]
Raw fruit and vegetable diet healed British woman’s severe skin condition
Eczema is a common condition which most people will encounter some form of in their lives. The cause is unknown. Some have less severe cases, but Alice Morgan's case was bad. It covered her whole body with blisters and ooze when it flared up. She was prescribed topical steroids for treatment, but … [Read more...]
garcinia cambogia dr oz tips
Many people struggle with losing weight and keeping it off. Most diets require that we make such drastic changes to what we eat that it is often impossible to either implement or maintain said diet. There are those, however, who swear by a combination of Garcinia Cambogia and Natural Green Cleanse. … [Read more...]
8 Amazing Anti-Aging Vitamins to Include in Your Diet
Everyone knows vitamins are crucial to their health. There are numerous vitamins that can be consumed to help promote anti-aging. Most of these vitamins can be found in fruits and vegetables such as Vitamin A, which can be found in orange and red fruits and vegetables. By intaking specific vitamins … [Read more...]
What ‘water’ can do for diabetes patients
• The article What Water can do for Diabetes Patients written by Abimbola Adegoke goes over the results of one study preformed by the The American Diabetes Association which shows positive results for weight loss in obese women with diabetes and a correlation related to drinking water opposed to … [Read more...]
Big Pharma companies have been systematically suppressing your right to purchase cheaper alternatives from other countries
The new healthcare system, Obamacare, is causing healthcare business' financial chaos, including pharmacies. Big pharma is attempting to keep cheaper, more affordable medications out of reach of Americans. It is legal and more affordable to get prescriptions from other countries, but Big Pharma … [Read more...]
Seven foods that are bad for joint pain and arthritis
Over time, the stress of repeated use on human skeletal joints causes a condition, responsible for inflammation, soreness, redness and pain. This condition, sometimes exacerbated by genetic weakness or weight, is known as arthritis. While arthritis symptoms can be curbed, there is no specific cure, … [Read more...]
Diet and nutrition tips, losing weight and staying healthy
There are secrets to staying healthy that you should know if you want to live a long, prosperous and healthy life. With the information found here, you'll access the best tips for nutrition, eating healthy, and maintaining the best overall lifestyle that you possibly can. Are you ready to improve … [Read more...]
Boosting levels of known antioxidant may help resist age-related decline
Glutathione, an antioxidant, is a detoxifying compound already used in medical emergencies has now been found to have a causal relationship with cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Younger cells have high levels of glutathione, but levels of the antioxidant fall when cells age, which … [Read more...]
These 7 Essential Vitamins You Need After Age 40
After 40, body do-overs are fewer. Those foundations we’ve laid, however inadvertently, or that have been laid out for us by our genetic makeup, potentially leading to acute, or chronic disease, start to come to fruition. It’s important to help what can be helped, push back what can be pushed back, … [Read more...]
Rock Your Health with Vitamin C
Contrary to popular belief, taking Vitamin C supplements or eating foods rich in Vitamin C will not prevent or treat a cold; in fact, it will only shorten the duration of a cold by about one day. Instead, following the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C regularly can improve the immune system and … [Read more...]
Know about marvelous cholesterol checking foods
What do you know about checking foods for nutritional facts? Now, what do you know about cholesterol? Hippocrates said that there are certain foods that you can take or consume in order to control heart diseases if you consume them on a regular basis. In order to learn more, you want to read on in … [Read more...]
Bad Dieting Advice You Need to Stop Believing
People often give a lot of bad advice when it comes to dieting. There are many people who will tell you things such as, some foods burn belly fat and others speed up the metabolism, this is false. Not everything your told about dieting is true. It is important to back your plan with science and … [Read more...]
Portable aromatherapy: The breathing of organic plant extracts for improved health
A company by the name of MONQ is the primary force behind the vape pen trend for essential oils. Instead of using an e-cigarette for nicotine smoking, one inhales the vapor of relaxing, healing, and therapeutic oils beneficial for mental and physical health, such as a mixture of lavender, … [Read more...]
Vitamin B Function in the Body
Have you ever truly taken a look at the function that Vitamin B has in your body? Vitamin B6 serves as a cofactor in many reactions with enzymes. This means that the vitamin aides in the synthesis of five neurotransmitters, including serotonin. To learn more about the benefits and just what these … [Read more...]
6 Foods You Should Never Eat
If any of the following foods are on your plate, it is time to toss it in the trash and start over. These six foods should never be eaten and with good reason. They each have their major flaws of concern. If you're interested in learning more about those foods and the reasons that it is recommended … [Read more...]
Live longer with these 5 health-boosting ingredients used in Japanese dishes
In America food is produced for volume rather than sustenance. In the mechanized process the natural nutrients are lost. Japan prefers to maintain a healthier more traditional approach. Rather than supplements the largely fish protein diet contains natural Omega-3’s. Fermented goods aid in … [Read more...]
Natural Vitamin Supplements Enhance Immune Function
You can work out, have an active lifestyle, drink enough water, rest well. But in the heart of your hearts you know that it’s not enough. Given the mass produced, chemical and additive filled foods that you get the supermarket, vitamin supplements are essential to keep you healthy. An Arizona-based … [Read more...]
Type 1 diabetes often comes with other autoimmune diseases
Type 1 diabetes can lead to the develop of other autoimmune diseases. A recent study revealed that 27 percent of patients with Type 1 diabetes suffer from another autoimmune disease. The study also revealed that these autoimmune diseases can develop for people as young as age 6; however, a large … [Read more...]
How Lipotropics and B-Vitamins Work
Do you know what Lipotropics are? Do you know what Vitamin B is used for? Do you know what you need to take in order to keep healthy? Do you know why these supplements can be taken to make you or keep you healthy? If you are interested in LIpotropics and Vitamin B or how they work, then you want to … [Read more...]
Vegans may have weaker bones
Rakesh Nair for the Deccan Chronicle takes an in-depth look at the Vegan diet and lifestyle. Specifically, he looks at the correlation between being vegan and having weaker bones. Recent research has suggested that people that follow a vegan diet could be at risk for having a weaker bone structure. … [Read more...]
12 Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency (and How to Get More)
Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for the body but may people are beneficent in the substance, causing a variety of health concerns and woes. There are many ways to get your VItamin D. If you notice any of the 12 signs of Vitamin D deficiency listed here, make sure that you get more … [Read more...]
5 vitamins actually worth taking
Vitamins are often found in our day-to-day diet, however, in many circumstances people are in need of supplements to receive what their body needs. Unfortunately, many vitamins and mineral supplements are not worth taking. That doesn't mean that vitamins can be completely set aside. Experts have … [Read more...]
An apple a day may help fight obesity
You've heard that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but now, new evidence suggests that eating apples may also help men and women fight obesity. A certain compound found inside of the apple provides this fat-blocking benefit. what is this compound and is one type of apple better than the next? … [Read more...]
Doctors ‘know too little about nutrition and exercise’
Many doctors in the UK are unaware how best to coach their patients about healthy living habits. Very few are aware of such statistics as recommended exercise and most are looking for further training in the area. Previous methods of teaching new doctors are not addressing current issues such as … [Read more...]
Drinking two sweetened drinks per day? You could be doubling your risk of diabetes
Meera Senthilingham of CNN takes an in-depth look at the correlation between drinking sweetened drinks and increasing your risk for diabetes. In specific, recent research has shown that even drinking two sweetened drinks in a day could be doubling your chances of developing the condition. This … [Read more...]
Are fresh juice drinks as healthy as they seem?
Fresh squeezed juice is delicious and healthy, at least that is what people have always thought. But could it really be that these delicious beverages aren't really are they are cracked up to be? Some say these juices aren't as beneficial to the health as once thought. If you want the scoop, take a … [Read more...]
How Using Fat for Fuel Can Boost Athletic Performance
According to this article, science can not conclude but does suggest there is a healthy benefit to using fat in your body for fuel. It can actually improve physical performance, learning to burn your fat will also help with boosting your energy. Using the fat stored in your body for energy also help … [Read more...]
The link between artificial sweeteners and lower fertility rates! Women who regularly consume soft drinks…
The Telegraph News takes an in-depth look at the correlation between the consumption of soft drinks and fertility rates. Specifically, recent research has shown that women who consume more soft drinks decrease their chances of getting pregnant. The link seems to be in the artificial sweeteners used … [Read more...]
What causes osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is the silent killing disease. It is a condition in which the bones of your body become less dense and lose their strength. Currently this disease is effecting over 3 million peoples in the Uk. Woman have higher chances of getting this disease, and 1 out of every 2 females over the age … [Read more...]
Osteoporosis – the silent bone breaker
Adrienne von Tunzelmann had a family history of osteoporosis. After watching her mother degrade she joined the board of Osteoporosis in New Zealand wanting to improve the outlook for both herself and others. This illness is silently reaching epidemic levels. Exercise, medication, and calcium-rich … [Read more...]
Just what is pneumonia, anyway?
Harvard Health publications of Harvard Medical School takes an in-depth look and describes just exactly what pneumonia really is. Pneumonia is often characterized and defined as an infectious lung disease, similar in characteristics to bronchitis. Different microorganisms can cause it and there are … [Read more...]
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