Toxic chemicals abound in our modern world. Our environments douse us with them daily. Additives, organic, biologically enhanced, and chemical, saturate our food stuffs. It is unavoidable that our bodies must ward off and combat these interior pollutants. Many body systems can be harmed by these invaders. Systemic inflammation can occur. Hormones may be disrupted. Neurological damage or impairment can result. Their are steps that we can take to aid our body in their ongoing fight against a daily onslaught of toxins. We can avoid heavily processed foods, those that are unnaturally chilled and have many additives, or are known to slow down digestion and impede the removal of toxins, such as many fatty foods. Conversely, we can eat lighter less processed and organic foods. Foods with a heavy water content and lots of vitamins and minerals, such as fresh fruit and vegetables assist the body in removing unwanted toxins. Regular exercise opens skin pores and optimizes sweat gland use, which can aid in removing impurities from the body. Digestive processes are regulated and improved by exercise as well. Some alternative and natural treatments lauded by pundits as capable of removing toxins include colon cleanses and juice fasting.
Key Takeaways:
- Toxic chemicals are an unfortunate part of modern life. They can have a dire effect on the human body and its systems, including the reproductive system and its hormonal functions.
- Such toxins can cause inflammation and even harm the human brain. Toxins can be both environmental and dietary.
- Many diet-conscious pundits advocate drinking fresh, home-made juice, or juicing, as a way to aid the body in eliminating toxins.
“Include more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Fruits and green vegetables increase the water content in your body and help flush out toxins.”
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